○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 132 건
- Hansel and Gretel : step 1, 2, 3 - 영바시 11기 Day 69
- This time, / however, / they could only leave bread crumbs / to mark a path back / to their home.... Days passed by, / and Hansel grew very fat, / as she wished. She told Gretel to climb into an oven / to be sure it is...
- 브레인피드백 연구소님 블로그 보기
- 함께하는 전래동화 이야기(27) - Hansel and Gretel
- had dropped them on the way so that they could find their way back home. Alas! The birds ate all the crumbs and they couldn’t find the path that led back home. Hansel and Gretel went deeper and deeper into...
- 정정혜샘과 함께하는 재미있는 영어수업!님 블로그 보기
- 줄거리 요약 (25) - 「Hansel and Gretel」 / 「헨젤과 그레텔」
- Hansel dropped the pebbles to mark the way back to their house. When dad and stepmother left, the siblings could get back home by following the pebbles they left. Incident 2. Hansel and Gretel abandoned again 며칠 뒤...
- 서울대생이 다녔던,sky를 가려는 학생,국어의키님 블로그 보기
- 헨델과 그레텔-English Talking Book - Hansel and Gretel
- forest, Hansel and Gretel dropped the pebbles all along the way. When their father lift... “I have an idea!” said Hansel. “We can drop bread crumbs this time!” So, the nest...
- 그대 자유를 꿈꾼다면.....님 블로그 보기
- Hansel and Gretel
- But Hansel had not looked back at his kitten, but had always dropped one of the white... pass by. When Hansel and Gretel fell into her hands she laughed maliciously, and said jeeringly...
- 버드잉글리쉬님 블로그 보기
- " Secretly, however, each time he gazed back, Hansel dropped one of the small white pebbles... by and it still seemed that Hansel was growing no fatter, the old woman said to Gretel...
- 나를 찾으며 성장하는 삶님 블로그 보기
- 394-65)Hansel and Gretel/Snack house
- Hansel and Gretel initially secretly left the stones on each road and returned home, but the second time they put bread crumbs, but the birds ate them all and could not go back. And they found a...
- Is.ilver님 블로그 보기
- 시스세하영 읽기 <7> Hansel and Gretel
- Hansel dropped bits of bread. Oh, no! The birds are them all. "There are no bread pieces!" Hansel and Gretel cried. "Follow me !" Just then, a bird talked to them. There was a cookie...
- 동홍레드키위님 블로그 보기
- Hansel & Gretel
- pocket and broke it into small pieces and as they walked into the forest, he dropped pieces... by the Brothers Grimm and published in 1812 in Grimm's Fairy Tales . Hansel and Gretel are a...
- Jerry's English Challenge님 블로그 보기
- Hansel and Gretel.
- Hansel dropped bread crumbs along the trail. They would use it to get back home. But the breadcrumbs trail was gone! The birds ate it up. Hansel and Gretel wandered through the woods. They...
- Hello! 전화영어회화님 블로그 보기
- 10-9. Hansel and Gretel
- had dropped bread crumbs on the path, but the birds in the forest had come and eaten them all up. Hansel and Gretel were never able to find their way back home. 11 In the forest...
- 세종 다정동 가온마을 초중등 영어 공부방 빠른영어님 블로그 보기
- Hansel and Gretel
- But Hansel and Gretel dropped pebbles as they followed their stepmother. Sometime had has... pebbles and they followed pebbles way back home. <A Trail of Crumbs> When Hansel and Gretel...
- PEAK book club님 블로그 보기
- 삼성영어명작 - Hansel and Gretel
- ' Now Hansel throw bread crumbs. But they can't go to home. And they find cookie house. they... " But witch let Hansel in Baismot (Basement를 이렇게 썼단다. ) And Gretel have to...
- Greviden English님 블로그 보기
- and in no time at all, had eaten all the crumbs. Again, with a lame excuse, the woodcutter left his two children by themselves. "I've left a trail, like last time!" Hansel whispered to Gretel...
- 안산 영어 학원, 공부방님 블로그 보기
- D87: 2-35 Hansel and Gretel
- This time, however, they could only leave bread crumbs to mark a path back to their home.... Days passed by, and Hansel grew very fat, as she wished. She told Gretel to climb into an oven...
- 온 마음으로...님 블로그 보기