○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 620 건
- 건축조각 오리지널 그라운드 I 원범식 작가 I 더 트리니티 갤러리
- 건축조각 오리지널 그라운드 원범식 작가 2024.11.05.(화) ~ 2024.11.29.(금) 그랜드 하얏트 호텔 내... 예술 ARCHISCULPTURE Original Ground - The Romantic Form of Art 라는 전시 이름에 맞는 작품이였어요 Archisculpture 016...
- 일상로그님 블로그 보기
- 광주전시회 광주시립미술관 광주비엔날레 <시천여민侍天與民...
- the tumultuous socio-political climate, establishing himself as a leading realist sculptor. While preparing for art... in the form of storytelling. Phoenix Rising (2023) symbolizes South Korea’s resurgence, built upon the selfless...
- 비두리님 블로그 보기
- 사진으로 건축물을 조각하다, 원범식 작가
- 갤러리, 분당 2015 건축조각 2015, 일우스페이스, 서울 2014 원범식 미술전 2014, 청주미술창작스튜디오, 청주 2013 건축조각 Archisculpture, 갤러리 룩스, 서울 주요 단체전 2020 심안으로 보라...
- 쉽고 유익한 미술·경매 콘텐츠님 블로그 보기
- <쌓아 올린 더미>展 - 김성호, 원범식 (회화,사진) 2인전
- The A magic moment 스위스, 독일, 러시아, 투어 전시 2012~2013 영은 미술관 레지던시 입주작가 2008 Art Deagu 유망작가 발굴프로그램 선정 대구대학교, 대진대학교 출강 원범식, archisculpture036...
- 사진바다님 블로그 보기
- 김성호, 원범식 <쌓아 올린 더미>展
- 갤러리 Art Space J, 한국 갤러리 The Trinity and Metro, 한국 법률회사 South Square, 영국 , 개인소장 다수 원범식, archisculpture036 100x70cm, archival pigment print, 2017 원범식, archisculpture038 171x120cm...
- 월간 사진예술님 블로그 보기
- Shan Ding You Feng Photography Art Space | A&C
- the ground and the clouds are the steps to create a romantic encounter of “love of... ignite the romantic flame in everyone's heart. Committed to creating more original works that...
- 건축문화 Architecture and Culture | A&C님 블로그 보기
- [Creative,ART]The Carved Book Landscapes of Guy Laramée
- Do you class yourself as a romantic and if so, in which ways? As most artists, I try to... But if you abide to the original meaning of the word, that is impossible. You cannot...
- .님 블로그 보기
- The Forth Section of Chapter One
- rearrangements of the original photographic sequences in their verbal or textual accounts... of image to image, image to text, and text to text necessarily takes a different form within...
- 100년의 미술사 서재님 블로그 보기
- Number Go Up
- Additionally, the code can be written so that a portion of each after market sale of the NFT is sent to the original artist allowing them to profit off the lucrative after-market for...
- Marginal REVOLUTION - Small Steps Toward A Much Better World님 블로그 보기
- The First Section of Chapter One, Revised
- history of American art and the social imagination of the US. I centrally use their... render the formative force of the slow speed of ocean currents as invisible, romantic, or merely...
- 100년의 미술사 서재님 블로그 보기
- Friday assorted links
- content of the original post, etc., and then makes some appeal to and identification with... from the physical/social reality on the ground. Republicans are the party of what I imagine...
- Marginal REVOLUTION - Small Steps Toward A Much Better World님 블로그 보기
- chatting with GPT
- Traditional Arts Calligraphy: The art of writing Chinese characters is both a visual and spiritual practice. Painting: Often inspired by nature, traditional Chinese paintings emphasize...
- 춘천 영어 원서 완독님 블로그 보기
- Saturday assorted links
- M 2024-05-04 16:48:12 3 0 Hide Replies # Well, I don't know if the extreme form in the... share of catting around prior to Tinder, I have a stubborn romantic attachment to the idea that...
- Marginal REVOLUTION - Small Steps Toward A Much Better World님 블로그 보기
- Introduction
- The first Pacific is in the form of “systems” consisting of a set of border apparatuses... Though we knowingly acknowledge that the freedom of air travel is a romantic myth, we...
- 100년의 미술사 서재님 블로그 보기
- Perelada 2024 at Carme church in the Peralada castle,Spain
- 19 and 85) and Tchaikovsky's The Seasons, silenced the temple where a pin could be heard falling to the ground. In fact, many of the attendees seemed to not even dare to breathe in order not to interrupt a performance by the Korean who...
- ON THE TERRACE님 블로그 보기