○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 12,830 건
- [미술여행 추천 전시]추니박 개인전: "가보지 않은 길, 낯선 풍경"
- 추니박 개인전: "가보지 않은 길, 낯선 풍경"전을 개최한다. 올해 상반기 미국 유타와... Oregon and Utah in the Pacific Northwest are unique 'sketching journeys' that no one else has undertaken. If the true-view landscape...
- 미술여행 신문님 블로그 보기
- 홀로 그리고 내 앞에 있는 강 Alone and the river...
- and in sleep I see the invisible as if I were your radiance and you my whirling spell I played and spun the soul of life as one seeks a plaything and let loose prophetic horses and rode drunker than a drunk so here I...
- NYH's world literature museum '세계의 문학관'님 블로그 보기
- 35mm 400 ISO black-and-white film stock(영문)
- ‘Agent Shadow is a tried-and-tested emulsion perfectly happy to be shot in lower light, letting you capture life at the dark end of the street,’ says Kosmo Foto. ‘Capture witching...
- 촬영감독 나종광님 블로그 보기
- 'Same as Ever(불변의 법칙)' by Morgan Housel 영어 원서...
- *a shell of its former self: "Shell of its former self" is the same as "Shadow of its... quick and light in movement or action; agile *be in over your head: to be involved in a difficult...
- HIT THE ROAD, ELLA님 블로그 보기
- 그늘/ 권혁재
- shaking In the high and low fluttering, Colored with one light The color that becomes someone’s background The shadow of oblivion that must be erased for the rest of my life Time fades and changes The warmth of life and...
- 변주하는 언어님 블로그 보기
- with Wu Zhiqi Pt. 1 ("Love and Redemption" Ep. 29)
- separately, and not interfere with each other." She walks away before anyone can object. "Let's light our candles," says Xuanji. They place their candles in different pots. Each one has...
- sageukparadise님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- illustration of life :: Unity Substance Painter 연동...
- check the directional light's shadow options Gamma와 Linear의 결과 차이를 확인 할 수 있습니다. You can see the difference between Gamma and Linear color space in scene(viewport)...
- illustration of life :: illustration of life님 블로그 보기
- the End of the Darkness and the Light
- That shadow is constantly fluttering in your mind throughout your life. So now, let go of the doubt and fear, and hold the end of the darkness with your one hand, and the end of the light with your other hand. This...
- 유라인 노트님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 마리킴 한국개인전 SETI 리뷰
- 1,400 light years away from us. It takes 385 days to orbit its star, Kepler-452, in the constellation “Swan” and is just a little bigger than Earth. Kepler-452b is one of the top rank exoplanets that are discovered...
- 마리킴 - 기묘한 art of life님 블로그 보기
- Swiss Fairy Tales (1920)
- They looked like clubs, but seemed very light. These were loaves of Swiss rye bread, that were kept standing on their ends, in the spring house, and were called the staff of life. 그것들은 곤봉처럼...
- hummingbird43님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- for Killer VFX in After Effects and Premiere Pro(영문)
- Displacement •Knoll light Factory 3.1 •Shadow •Reflection For me, the most impressive... and light effects in less time and since these effects try to mimic real-life lens designs...
- 촬영감독 나종광님 블로그 보기
- 3. The Valley of the Shadow of Death
- the Shadow of Death, which shows a cannonball-strewn gully not far from the spot immortalized in Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s “The Charge of the Light Brigade.” That haunting image...
- Dignitas_119-12, 디니다스님 블로그 보기
- 빌리 파이퍼 Billie Piper - Walk of Life
- of life with me Are you gonna see more than you dreamed you'd see Are gonnan walk hand in hand with me Can you be the one who sets my shadow free Are you gonnan try and understand with...
- GO::magic_field님 블로그 보기
- 수목의 시대 : In the Time of Trees
- learning and precepts, they preach undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life.... long shadow And a light sound." - Louise Bogan Mexico "Except during the nine months before he...
- Jay's F**kin' World님 블로그 보기
- Interior Scene Part 3 – Texture and Lighting
- In the end, we chose three views and decided to use this one. (Fig 04) (click on image to... night light? After that, it is necessary to look for some real-life lighting reference...
- Tarkus's Drydock님 블로그 보기