○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 158 건
- 201213
- says, “For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.” The Apostle Paul is showing us the motivational force behind his overwhelming passion for the Gospel; it was the...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 211007
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr ♥ 김진호... Many years ago, as I started learning this, I had a cut on my hand and it was bleeding profusely. But I wasn’...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 2020년 대한민국을 빛낸 인물 선정 - 민예(旻藝) 임동률 작가
- your love ends.” From a few years ago, he started playing the Korean zither. He says that he plays the zither when he is overwhelmed by worldly thoughts and it is the time for healing of a man living alone in self-control....
- 대한민국을 빛낸 인물님 블로그 보기
- 200921
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr ♥ 김진호... it was a warning to everyone. God’s plan originally was to have every one of us with Him. The Bible says He’s...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 211223
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr... it says, “And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up….”...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 211012
- Those that touched Him to be healed believed He was the Messiah; therefore, everything about Him, including the fringes of His garment, would produce healing. That’s what we read in our theme verse. It says: “…the Sun...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 211105
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr... The Bible says “…there was great mourning among the Jews, and fasting, and weeping, and wailing; and many lay in...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- smi fax +82 ***-***-**** kt ln hyundai an kia bn...
- he was a “fan” of Fowler’s and saying “it’s my weird way of motivating him”, before... Smith says he's been called the N-word to his face '5 or 6 times' — but never 'by a smart...
- xoans66님의블로그님 블로그 보기
- 210911
- it’s the impact you make that matters, and Jesus was a typical example of that. He didn’t have a long life on earth, but He impacted the world tremendously. Luke 3:23 NLT says, “Jesus was about thirty years old when he...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 211225
- He was God alive, walking and talking in a man’s body. Read what Colossians 1:19 AMPC says about Him: “For it has pleased [the Father] that all the divine fullness (the sum total of the divine perfection, powers, and...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 210131
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr... What was the first love? Evidently, it refers to their love and passion for Jesus Christ, shown through their love for the...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 210719
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr... he’d do it selflessly, in love. Paul was writing, not just for that day but also for us to learn. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 『 최기정展 』2019. 06. 19 ~ 2019. 06. 25
- 『 최기정展 』 Choi Kijung Solo Exhibition :: Mixed Media ▲ 최기정, liberateⅠ 90x180cm, Acrylic Pan on Scratch, 2019 전시작가 ▶ 최기정(Choi Kijung) 전시일정 ▶ 2019. 06. 19 ~ 2019. 06. 25 초대일시 ▶ 2019. 06. 19 PM 6:30 관람시간...
- 규방칠우님 블로그 보기
- 『 Flower No Flower-꽃과 인생 - 안영나展 』2016. 01....
- says to be the new attempt which could not see at the conventional Korean painting task. Of course, as to the Paint-meaning spirit which is the most representative aesthetical basis of Korean painting, it was the...
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- 211022
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr... Bible says that Jesus took bread and blessed it, what He actually did was to give thanks; the words that He spoke were...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기