○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 949 건
- Photos from a golden wedding on Jeju Island to...
- which is a little less time than it does to walk through Ori Park, which I had previously utilized to go about my daily business in Meonae Suji YongIn Gyunggido. This experience gave me a feeling of renewed...
- 최갑순사는이야기님 블로그 보기
- 미얀마 버마 공동체 사역보고 (2021. 12월)
- However, we all Myanmar people do strongly believe that this time we can uproot this terrorist military once and for all from Myanmar. Therefore, as the fight between civilians and terrorist military is ongoing, Myanmar...
- 희년선교회님 블로그 보기
- 김창열, 박서보 - 경복궁 동쪽 미술거리에서 만나는 두 원로 대가
- 그 중 갤러리현대와 국제갤러리에서 두 원로 대가의 개인전이 각각 열리고... It is the first time that the gallery has held a solo exhibition by the same artist in both spaces. “Frankly speaking...
- 미술관 속 비밀도서관님 블로그 보기
- [Artist Kim Hyun-Jung]Culture M magazine_welcome to...
- There are more paintings of feign series where it came from, but this is the first time I... 전시회 #개인전 #문화 #예술 #KimHyunJung #HyunJungKim #Art #Artist #Hanbok #Feign...
- 김현정 작가의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 디지털 이미지-하늘실뜨기 변주곡 Digital Image-CCS...
- people is the most beautiful and precious. Therefore, I have maintained a special relationship with the two of them up to this point. In an unbelievable turn of events, I had my first solo exhibition in the...
- JACKIE백님 블로그 보기
- Germain by India Mahdavi
- the first floor, designated for private parties and gatherings is thought to be a decorative... 본래 개인전에 전시되었던 작품을, 레스토랑 안으로 옮겨왔다. 조각상은...
- 김남식 디자인에이디포엠님 블로그 보기
- 이정효 작가 / 루나갤러리 관장
- 치른 개인전과 초대전 중 미국 마이애미에서의 콘테스트 아트페어, 그리고 사하라사막... The exhibition this time is being held at eWellness Dental Group Gallery in Yeonsan-dong, Busan until 31 January....
- 정재헌 기자www.interviewm.com님 블로그 보기
- [아트토이] 작가님 인터뷰 Vol. 15 장아리(@zang.ari1)
- Have you been doing this for a long time? [장아리] 아뇨. 군대도 다녀오고 하면서 본격적으로 작업을한건 햇수로 3년정도 된거 같아요. No, not really. After completing my military...
- [용이의 KIDULT LAB]님 블로그 보기
- [On view] 나난 개인전 <TeaTime> 2023.3.18 -4.22
- and is now a talented creative director and painter, has visited our exhibition <TeaTime> MY Q had appeared as a comet opening his first solo exhibition at 2GIL29 GALLERY in 2021, caught the eyes of a lot of art...
- 이길이구 갤러리님 블로그 보기
- [ Brisbane ] Week 4 weekdays
- beach first time, I was disappointed. Because of a small scale. But, I love this place now ❤️ Buy Weet-Bix…I love this... selfie & My name is bella The name of this store is belle 귀여워서 찍었어 데이지가 옆에 서보라고 같이...
- *alive님 블로그 보기
- 최성임展
- ● Another series Clover Island is based on my experience as a kid. These works represent a girl's dream not of "this place" of reality but of "that place," a girl who was squatting down for a long time in search of four-leaf...
- jojako님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 소마드로잉센터 [인투드로잉]_유혜숙 Hyesook Yoo작가편
- Although I just skimmed through this novel, it came to my mind when I saw Yoo's work. This is a story about oblivion, remembrance, and how people can be unbound by the loss of time. In this novel, proust creates a...
- 소마미술관님 블로그 보기
- 정직성 「중첩된 삶」 @ 갤러리밈 M'cube(3,4,5,6F)
- 정직성 개인전 @ 갤러리밈 M'cube ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ • 중첩된 삶 • 정직성 • 2024. 8. 21 ~ 9. 22... In 2006, when the first solo exhibition 《Amorphous Construction》 was held, she came to be known to the art scene and public....
- 갤러리밈 GalleryMEME님 블로그 보기
- stop pulling my leg, fish for, that will be the day...
- she was my icon. pitch in : They are all helping with the work if everone pitches in chip in give someone a run for his/her money = you're close in skill to that person Should I be worried? is this a big...
- Five questions님 블로그 보기
- Artemisia
- The surviving transcript, shown in public for the first time, documents how she endured... ceiling is undocumented, she may well have helped bring this quintessentially ‘female’...
- XOXO님 블로그 보기