○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 4,752 건
- 과천애문화, 공연전시, 조각의 조각 A Piece of Sculpture
- scope of everyday life is thus infinite. In the process where the artist's perspective naturally emerges, objects continually receive new meanings. The three-dimensional pieces evoke certain associations at their...
- 과천애문화님 블로그 보기
- 발견 (MPs in the olfactory bulbs of the human)
- MEM Studio/Stocksy Microplastics are common in people’s everyday environments, and research is... It’s possible that the unique health and life circumstances of these people could have impacted the results....
- Plastics Chemicals & Environmental (Microplastics)님 블로그 보기
- A video game based on Conway's Game of Life, running in...
- I've often thought that digital spreadsheets are some of the most consequential pieces of... everyday business tool. (Courtesy Debbie Chachra and Alex Leitch) It's Games of Life all the...
- Boing Boing | A directory of mostly wonderful things님 블로그 보기
- 심래정 & 이은새 Angry young women take on the world...
- In this exhibition, Sim presents 15 pieces of works including the very drawings for the three... fragments of reality that she has encountered during her everyday life as well as in films and...
- 미술관 속 비밀도서관님 블로그 보기
- the 387 houses of peter fritz at the venice art biennale...
- there is little known about the life of fritz, he nevertheless left behind a substantial... illustration of a kind of contentment with the everyday - a miniature reproduction of the...
- 스튜디오엠 인테리어님 블로그 보기
- 깨달음의 그 가장 높은 수준 The Highest Level of...
- So the prevailing level of consciousness of mankind then progresses as a consequence of the collective... in everyday life for us then requires energy, and it exhausts people. 해서, 사람들은 오직 특정...
- An Encyclopedia of the Violin(박희준 역)펌
- The editor himself has been in contact with apparently brilliant performers on the violin, who could fiddle their way through showy pieces of the salon type, and yet were unable to even name the keys that they were...
- Good shot!님 블로그 보기
- 16 Everyday Habits of Highly Productive People
- https://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/16-everyday-habits-highly-productive-people.... Humans can swarm only if we develop technologies that fill in missing pieces of evolution...
- 스토리G님 블로그 보기
- It Alarmingly Safe While Museums Showed Signs of Change
- sanded pieces of bamboo? Should I say a little about Garth Greenan Gallery’s superlative... Taken as a whole, the show provided a commentary on navigating life as a queer Black man in...
- 갤러리 가는 날님 블로그 보기
- [Collector's Choice ] Artist 마이큐 MY Q, CHANEL
- MY Q’s artwork <CHANEL> unravels the complexities of everyday life with beautiful and delicate colors... concept of art collections, making art an ever-present element in our lives. For collectors, these pieces offer...
- 이길이구 갤러리님 블로그 보기
- 황인란작가, 잊혀진 감성의 재발견
- Standing before her works, we momentarily forget the busyness of everyday life and deeply ponder the laws... Hwang In Ran's works transcend being mere art pieces; they serve as valuable guides, leading us to...
- 시냇물의 주말농장님 블로그 보기
- Infinite Potential: The Life And Ideas of David Bohm is...
- smaller pieces, one ends up with fragments of the original; when the pieces are put back... reality of our everyday life is a kind of illusion, which we can compare to a giant hologram....
- Boing Boing | A directory of mostly wonderful things님 블로그 보기
- 푸틴 2024 국정연설(0229)+ Putin's Address to the nation...
- This was work that was related to risk of life and risk of health. If you just look at how... into pieces. We supported our brothers and sisters; we supported their decision to be with...
- 김진호의 세계읽기님 블로그 보기
- Uijeongbu Culture Station Eum: A Cultural Extravaganza...
- *“A Space Where Everyday Life Becomes a Journey and Culture”* *Exhibitions, Music, and Performances Offer a Rich Array of Programs* Uijeongbu Culture Station Eum, organized by the...
- 양상현 기자님 블로그 보기
- 0502 보리 vs 매켄로 Borg/McEnroe 시사회 ★★★
- Advantage, service, fault, break, love, the basic elements of tennis are those of everyday existence, because every match is a life in miniature. Even the structure of tennis, the way the pieces fit inside one another like Russian nesting...
- 반이정 미술평론님 블로그 보기