○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 949 건
- 강남 코엑스-Kiaf Seoul-2024/9/7[회화2]
- 2448 ARTSPACE[Seoul] Kook-hyun Ga(가국현), 내안의 풍경(The Landscape in My Mind), 2024, oil on... 1987), The First Time, 2024, oil on canvas, 162 x 30 cm Guim Tio(기욤 티오, b. 1987), The First Time, 2024...
- 여행자 히타이트 氏의 일생님 블로그 보기
- 갤러리도스 기획 추은영 'Spring'
- This is also in line with the flow of symphonies in which the lively mobility of the melody is heavily converted, heightened, and then finished fresh and cheerful again. My pulse beats fast and expectations make my...
- Gallery DOS 갤러리 도스님 블로그 보기
- Photographer #75. - 샌디 스코글런드 Sandy Skoglund
- 1979년 그룹전에 참가하고 2년 후 같은 화랑에서 개인전을 열었다. 1981년... made my lifestyle possible. At the same time I think we, as citizens in this culture...
- Print Expert . Ikyoung Kim님 블로그 보기
- 양승재展
- Yang first sculpted, he had this desire to fulfill the perfection and full depth of academic realistic expressions. Sculptor Yang, from childhood, has been growing in and with nature. And that is why he was...
- jojako님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 제2회 개인전 글- 소요(逍遙)하는 모호한 이미지
- there is no idea. - David Hume (1711-1706) 제2회 개인전_ 泳의 印象 2nd Solo Exhibition_ The... This also is a part of my experiment of materials, and with this I have tried to explore similarities and...
- BINBIN의 Gallery님 블로그 보기
- 해피한 동심(童心)으로의 여행, 두 번째 이야기 - Norman...
- I'm sure the little girl is watching intensively till the time it will be her turn to primp and pamper herself for when she goes out on a big date. Stoltz tells a neat story about this painting that reveals Rockwell's nature. "When this cover was...
- Comment ça va, Aroa?님 블로그 보기
- 세상을 바꾼 예술 (2) 정태영 작가 '빛의 춘하추동'
- " The reviews of the famous people who saw this work for the first time are as follows. National Assembly Speaker Jeong Sye-kyun (2017) = Jeong Tae-young's Chunha Chudong of Light is a masterpiece that expresses...
- 정태영미술관 코리아아트베스트 블로그님 블로그 보기
- [아트토이] 작가님과의 Interview Vol.10(@gray_turtle)
- the first scene from "Saving Private Ryan," the D-Day Omaha Beach scene. This inspired me to start my... Yes, I had planned it, but this is the first time we're actually making them and putting them up for pre...
- [용이의 KIDULT LAB]님 블로그 보기
- 세상을 바꾼 예술 (3) 정태영 '삶은 머드폭풍처럼'
- I have a lot of philosophical things in my work to the extent that I am considered an "artist of thinking," which is unprecedented in the world, and this work is based on realism but also aimed at it....
- 정태영미술관 코리아아트베스트 블로그님 블로그 보기
- <도슨트를 위한 지면 인터뷰>20210722
- the first time. The director kept me waiting for hours for counseling, but when I think about it, it was a... Art will survive without me. This is the will to support my life, even if it is inconvenient.
- 한재철 J.C.KHAN Archive님 블로그 보기
- 카펜터 작가 ( 갤러리 메이준에서 개인전 2012.4.6-19)
- Print This Post | Todd Carpenter and one of his paintings from the When I first sat down with... What is going on with my visual system?”, and his talent with a palette knife creates a...
- CK. ART SPACE 씨케이 아트 스페이스님 블로그 보기
- 이재현 & 타츠히토호리코시 / BEING THERE : Lee Jae...
- In this exhibition, 12 works, from large-scale to small portraits, will be shown for the first time in Korea. The artist, who studied Western painting at Tama University of Art in Japan, is active worldwide and...
- Gallery Joeun님 블로그 보기
- [네오룩] 김성대 개인전
- in my mind. ● This city which has much social problems than any other time need 'hope'. The artist wanted to incorporate with the work the passion of flame which at first is light escaping through gaps but later...
- 아티스트 킴샘님 블로그 보기
- Shi-hyun won three archery titles vs. the first and last
- So, it is said that the first is the last and the last is the first. 이제 나도 참 싱겁다 이렇게 나설일이 아닌데 말이다. Now, I'm a little bland. I shouldn't be doing this. 근데 내가 꼭 이렇게 나서야 할...
- 백합 "우리 함께 기도해요"주님 공현 대 축일님 블로그 보기
- 박희섭展
- from time immemorial. Through his works, the artist shares sorrows and joys as well as growth and tenacity of life with us, at this moment, what Lao Tzu said, "the highest good is like that of water, the goodness...
- jojako님의 블로그님 블로그 보기