○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 455 건
- 강창호展
- I have great love for primitive things, but that does not mean that I'm a primitive man. After all, I'm... others in that I've always been curious about my existence and the origin of nature, human and all...
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- 강석진 초대展
- of nature bearing fresh and creative life force in light green and forest green color is characteristic of... On the subject of nature expressed as ‘Mother Earth’, the origin of all things, he takes a position on...
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- 우창헌展
- ● In my opinion, all the creatures isn't also less than a mature human being, especially thinking ability. As they are larger and wiser, things filled with desire is left. I wonder if he looks like lower animals seen by...
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- 최정미 회화展
- 최정미_문 밖에_캔버스에 유채_117×117cm_2007 유승덕_이번 개인전이 6회 개인전으로 알고 있는데, ‘Heaven in nature’라는 제목의 2005년도 전시와 비교할 때 가장 두드러진 변화라고...
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- 박영학展
- itself in the recent works to apply charcoal and crushed rock, we can see that his artistic work is to contain more things as an effort to find our another spirits of nature beyond the material world through...
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- 상상을 찍는 사진작가 에릭 요한슨 사진展, 성남 큐브미술관
- 29 10:30~20:00 정기 휴관일 없음 (현재 3월 9일까지 임시 휴관) 성남 큐브미술관은 지하철 분당선... "나의 영감은 주변의 사물이나 혹은 "만약?"에서 나온다." "My inspirations comes from things I see around me or "what if?...
- :: 리지의 전업엄마놀이 ::님 블로그 보기
- 2016.8.9 Song's Class O2O -대치본원-
- M1 김수윤 대치본원 M3 이상언 O2O Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
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- 이주연展
- 외딴 점이 사는 외딴 섬 A Sole Dot Living on an Island이주연展 / LEEJUYEON / 李柱娟 / painting 2022_0311 ▶ 2022_0508 이주연_외딴 점이 사는 외딴 섬展_리각미술관_2022 ● 위 이미지를 클릭하면 네오룩 아카이브 Vol.20200804a...
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- 김가빈 展
- of all things through the medium of object. My art has pursued the value of pure molding by placing diverse feelings in nature and life in molds called cloisonne and ceramics. And it has sprouted from the...
- 후아 전중관의 그림과 글 세상님 블로그 보기
- 이형구展
- acts in photo documentation, and naming his studio, resemblant to a mechanical engineering laboratory, a part of his work have all become inevitable results, consequential to voluntary choices. ● Measure (2014)...
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- 이규선展
- The images visible through the window are all things in nature through the painter's mind and also a representation of his innocent, pure mind. ● By reviewing Lee's artistic journey of almost 60 years, we come to...
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- 리움미술관 <존 제라드: 농장(카운슬 블러프, 아이오와)...
- food in our markets and the availability of oil are things we take on faith, if we think about them at all. Their existence remains provisional – more or less virtual – whether in life, on a gallery wall...
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- 이아린 <숲 - 숲의 안부를 묻는다>
- This exhibition is designed to thank and to pay back all the things I have got from nature. In addition, it is in order to let people know the nature’s own loneliness and hurts. I realized that it is the best to...
- 월간 사진예술님 블로그 보기
- 김순관展
- 화양연화 花樣年華김순관展 / KIMSOONKWAN / 金淳官 / painting 2020_0910 ▶ 2020_1106 / 월요일 휴관 김순관_화양연화和樣年華-님을 그리워하는 소화_캔버스에 유채_130.3×97cm_2019 별도의 초대일시가 없습니다. 관람시간...
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- 영남청년작가展
- understanding nature of art. ● Title of exhibition The Rite of Spring comes from the name of song... silence in earth where is full of desperate passion. While paying attention to all existing things great and...
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