○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 566 건
- American Exceptionalism and the NYPD; Antisemitism not...
- American Exceptionalism and the NYPD; Antisemitism not only sanctioned, but rewarded on... Authority and the Islamist regime in Iran. In a speech delivered at a May Day rally, Petro...
- Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News님 블로그 보기
- [건축,인테리어]Dynamic Architecture – the New BMW Museum
- the meaning of the exhibition space derives from the objects. House of Design The tour... From this connection a dialogue is established between the individual exhibits; the grid frame...
- .님 블로그 보기
- 2017 KIAF Preview of The Artist _ 허 욱
- B 103 GALLERYSOHEON & SONEONContemporary 허 욱 Heo, Wook 허욱 개인전, 소헌컨템포러리, 2015... His work examines the meaning of the relationship between objects, spaces, and people by infiltrating and mingling...
- GALLERY SOHEON & SOHEON Contemporary _Since 1991님 블로그 보기
- 칸디다 회퍼 Candida Höfer
- 회퍼의 개인전을 개최한다. 지난 2005년과 2008년에 이어 세 번째로 열리는 이번... the objects and built environments in interior spaces not as mere physical constructs, but as...
- 사진바다님 블로그 보기
- conceptual notes
- and genetic algorithms: that of an interactivity of a high level of complexity between... materialized objects and spaces, and even the territorialized spaces of our environment. We...
- saraba selavy님 블로그 보기
- 랜디 & 카트린展
- 갤러리 팩토리에서의 이번 개인전을 통해 이들은 문자 그대로 새로운 얼굴을... ● We are fascinated by houses and spaces. When you stand in front of a house, a dialogue arises between...
- jojako님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 드로잉을 위한 공간들
- 다수의 개인전을 했으며, 뉴욕 현대미술관, 삼성 미술관, 국림현대 미술관 등... Yeondoo Jung is an artist who searches the boundaries between reality and fantasy, using an artistic...
- 사진바다님 블로그 보기
- Photographer #75. - 샌디 스코글런드 Sandy Skoglund
- 1979년 그룹전에 참가하고 2년 후 같은 화랑에서 개인전을 열었다. 1981년... gestures and fantasy spaces--- a mind prone to coneptual problem-solving, but receptive to...
- Print Expert . Ikyoung Kim님 블로그 보기
- 이 세계의 풍경_안경수
- 2016년 개인전 《막》에서는 작품을 설치하는 방식을 달리한다. 작품 뒤에 가벽을... relates and connects spaces. That’s why, at the center of his painting lie the objects of a boundary such as a...
- seize the day.님 블로그 보기
- 오영숙展 :: Painting (2018. 03. 10 ~ 2018. 03. 15)
- All spaces between objects are the creative world full of the good purpose of God. Within this... 졸업 개인전 개인전 및 초대 9회 & 부스전 2회 GALLERY IN, 가나인사아트센터...
- 아트허브 blog님 블로그 보기
- *빛,그림자,바람으로 만들어진 교회 [ Gijs Van...
- between the lines. In conclusion, Gijs and Van Vaerenbergh in collaboration with Z33 for the Z-OUT project introduce art, through architecture, into a public space that enters into a dialogue with...
- 5osA_오사님 블로그 보기
- <청담동> 쾨닉 서울, 레이코 이케무라 《Soul Scape Seoul》
- The more figurative nature of these objects is meant to align with the sprawling landscapes captured in the... cultures and spaces. The “soul scape” that appears in the exhibition’s title is the term the artist...
- 라라빌딩님 블로그 보기
- Busan Cinema Center / Coop Himmelb(l)au
- sectional dialogue between stone-clad “ground” forms of the Cinema Mountain and BIFF... The materiality of the building objects differentiates the spaces and articulates the...
- WillbeanArchitect님 블로그 보기
- [전시] 박진아: 돌과 연기와 피아노 / 국제갤러리
- interior spaces, each depicting figures immersed in their work with a sense of purpose. The exhibition title Rocks, Smoke, and Pianos refers to mundane objects that one might pass by without noticing, and is a...
- 대한민국 작가DB 사이트, 뮤움님 블로그 보기
- [기획전] 스테판 비르헤네더 Solo Exhibiton
- The artist focuses on the social spaces within production facilities through pictorial objects and canvas... 겨울#분당전시회#판교갤러리#예술#작품 #전시#캐비넷#노동환경#개인전...
- Hedwig Gallery님 블로그 보기