○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 949 건
- 문성원화가, 문성원 작가, 문성원 개인전
- It was my first impression that I saw this piece of work by Moon Sung Won. However, full space was... same time. It is conducting a screen with in and out. Whole screen is not for gaining reality simply, it's the...
- 성원아트갤러리블로그님 블로그 보기
- 김상현 KIM SANG HYUN 金尙鉉 개인전, 낯선 풍경...
- ~ 2014.05.08.사이에 종로구 동숭동에 있는 갤러리(GALLERY) 192에서 개인전을... In this way, my works were supposed to begin with the strange landscape of Itaewon. Strange is an adjective to...
- 케 이 이 (K E) 안경원 서초님 블로그 보기
- 이순희 개인전 - 정령의 숲
- the time change. I felt the energy and atmosphere of Silla in thesetrees of Gyerim” Landscape/treeslive inside and outside of my body. What is outside of my body is the world andthe landscape. However, it is only...
- 사진바다님 블로그 보기
- Bernd Halbherr <Same is same is same is another>
- The panoramic sculpture is a concept that I use since I was still student at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf in 1994. There this concept was first time presented during the “Rundgang” of the Art Academy and the following...
- 월간 사진예술님 블로그 보기
- 심래정 & 이은새 Angry young women take on the world...
- “My mother’s lengthy struggle with disease and the events caused by this added to my... “Night is often a fearful time for young women,” the artist said in an interview with a curator...
- 미술관 속 비밀도서관님 블로그 보기
- Interview with Candida Hofer (영문)
- space first is a more emotional thing. I have to have the feeling that this is a space that... As I said before, my work requires some time. BY MOON SO-YOUNG [******@********.**.**] 국문...
- 미술관 속 비밀도서관님 블로그 보기
- 이선민 개인전 «아버지의 시대로부터 From The Father's...
- This is why <From the Fathers’ Times> project is not only a portrait of the older generation who have... Father’s Time>. When we first started the interview, I had asked him when he was born and he introduced himself as a...
- 사진바다님 블로그 보기
- 신하정개인전
- For the first time, Taebaek stood awkward and unfamiliar. The miners’ housing had been bulldozed into... In this sense, it is a living fossil. My work attempts to express my feelings of identity lost, of the...
- jojako님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 윤아미 사진전 - 빌린 이야기
- It is so ambiguous that even it becomes amusement itself for me. Just after awake from a long dream of last night, I faced ceiling of a room for the first time of that day. And that ceiling, where I could never touch...
- 사진바다님 블로그 보기
- 천대광 개인전 - Frame 틀 없는 틀
- 천대광 개인전 Frame 틀 없는 틀 2021. 11. 13 – 2022. 2. 27 전시 장소 : 닻미술관... of time and space. Chen Dai Goang is an artist who embodies this idea, freely twisting and reconstructing the...
- 사진바다님 블로그 보기
- 이동기, 노상호, 대중문화 이미지 파편들을 회화로 재창조하는...
- exhibitions this month. The first is 51-year-old Lee Dongi, who is regarded as Korea’s quintessential... against my professors at that time, who were all masters of abstract paintings,” he added. He...
- 미술관 속 비밀도서관님 블로그 보기
- 신혜선 개인전 - Plastic tears
- same time that it is a face of someone. Then, what kind of a person's face match with these flowers? Whose face would it be? My face, or your face? Whosever face this face is, it is a face of someone who we have...
- 사진바다님 블로그 보기
- 올림픽 양궁 여자 단체전, 강채영, 장민희, 그리고 안산. 9연속...
- - 2020 도쿄 올림픽 활쏘기 개인전은 한국 선수들간 경쟁일 듯. 2021년 7월 25일.... "I went to talk to the coach and he told me, 'Svet, this was a reset. Everything that is coming up...
- 한국정치 노트 Notes on the Politics of Korea :: 한국정치 노트 Notes on the Politics of Korea님 블로그 보기
- 한충석 개인전 ㅣ 갤러리 우
- initial time of human relationship is called “hedgehog’s dilemma”. I try to express the human psychology of this tendency through white owls. We say “communication” too easily, but I want to ask...
- [컬쳐엠매거진] 한국화가 김현정의 열 번째 개인전 '내숭놀이공원'
- 번째 개인전 '내숭 놀이공원'] 안녕하세요 한국화가 김현정입니다. 오늘은 한국을... There are more paintings of feign series where it came from, but this is the first time I exhibit 100 some...
- 김현정 작가의 블로그님 블로그 보기