○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 3,165 건
- 달리와 감자탕 2화예고"내가 기필코 찾아낸다고!"KBS2 수목밤...
- the art exhibition was different.. 김달리는 미술전시회에 초대된 일본 고객의 이름과... And When I lived in Seoul, I had a study group in Gangnam, and my English teacher told me that I have to...
- A Walk to Remember님 블로그 보기
- 朴태준,태권도 58킬로級에서 金메달로 韓國의 自存心을 세워.....
- Seoul resumed its loudspeaker broadcasts near the border for the first time in 2018, blaring news and K-pop music, which Shin called an "effective, stinging" form of psychological...
- 조선닷컴 골프카페 매니저의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 0993.Rare North Korea Propoganda Posters Go On Display
- this week in a rare exhibition outside of the secretive nation. North Korea tour company... On Friday, the posters will go on show at the Pop-Up Beijing boutique in the Chinese capital....
- 청강한담(靑崗閑談)님 블로그 보기
- PRECTXE 2020 : Artists Line-up
- Digital Art Festival : PRECTXE 2020 ; Odyssey (Audiovisual Live/Experimental Live), Xplo- (Exhibition), Electro Flow (Electronic) PRECTXE 2020 ARTISTS Xplo- Line-up 안태은 (KR) <The surface I, II, III> Mixed...
- 부천아트벙커B39님 블로그 보기
- Jay Park - A Walk In The Park
- You were born and raised in Seattle, Washington and in 2005 you migrated to Seoul to gain training in... We entered a jam called Mighty 4 last week in Portland and we won! Shouts out to Paulskee, 206 Zulu and Moon...
- 영원할거란믿음,,섣부른이상아닌현실로님 블로그 보기
- Saturday assorted links
- a week, instead. It might not be everyone's utopia, but it's possible. Those things can go... or Seoul, cities one hopes pass the barrier of being considered first world, would be of...
- Marginal REVOLUTION - Small Steps Toward A Much Better World님 블로그 보기
- Simple and Effective Ways to Improve Reading Comprehension
- the week while lacking the time to read through lessons and chapters can build up a great... like the Dream Makerspace, Space Imagination, and Exhibition Hall. #reading #books #support
- 트윈클 마포 블로그님 블로그 보기
- Leaders Accuse Jews of Racism, Cover Up Anti-Semitism
- This week, one BLM march up Washington, D.C.'s Constitution Avenue, demonstrated its solidarity with a Palestinian "Day of Rage" by chanting, "Israel, we know you murder children too....
- Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News님 블로그 보기
- 크랙 매거진- 'Connect: BTS'에 관한 한스 울리히 오브리스트...
- contemporary art. The project marks a watershed moment for pop artists; it’s the first time a collective of musicians have headed up a visual project of such magnitude. Working closely with art institutions...
- 7th Purple님 블로그 보기
- 중앙일보 영한번역(19) One gallery, three very different...
- of art considered to show a range of 'difficulty.' However, at Art Sonje Center, central Seoul, one visit... each exhibition becomes more complex as you go higher up the building. From easy-to-grab pop art to brain...
- Share Moments, Share Life님 블로그 보기
- 2023.09.05 Tue - EBS Morning Special
- in Seoul / starting around September next year, / offering a 30-minute route (connecting the Arahan... show up on the Lido this week alongside a posse of high-powered directors that includes David...
- e io sol uno님 블로그 보기
- 모던, 혼성 & 절망 속에 핀 꽃 @부산시립미술관 (영문 위주)
- The exhibition will present not only art pieces, but also archives about cafes in Busan because the artists that fled from Seoul and other parts of the country would often gather in cafes to...
- 미술관 속 비밀도서관님 블로그 보기
- 김민기 작가 신작 소개! '선인장 아이' 시리즈
- RICH ART LOVERS Pop-up Store (Gallery berlae, 현대 백화점, 대구) 2020 FLY AWAY EXHIBITION (Studio Kki... de seoul , 서울) 2013 ‘어느새’ 전 (포이에시스21,일산) 2013 ‘각양각색’ 전 (통인 화랑...
- 퍼블릭갤러리님 블로그 보기
- 2016! Happy New Year
- in Seoul 오프닝 케이터링 Ð 서울대학교 아시아연구소 개관식 케이터링 Ð CDc어린이치과병원_ 제24회... ‘2008 Art Toon Art 명화, 만화에게 길을 묻다’ 오프닝 와인파티 케이터링_서울애니메이션센터 Ð...
- 푸드앤파티님 블로그 보기
- Jungkook’s blog post during pre debut days : “I...
- a week. Actually, it was a bit annoying.. ^^; We went to some art gallery to see an exhibition and there were no people on the stairs so I did a cool Nike pose and took a photo!...
- Moa Company님 블로그 보기