○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 3,165 건
- K팝 vs K-e스포츠, 안타까운 논쟁
- In total, there will be 21 medals up for grabs for esports competitors and teams. Philip Fong/AFP/Getty Images The venue for the Asian Games esports competitions is state-of-the-art and an...
- 진쌤님 블로그 보기
- Solar-powered plane completes journey across Pacific
- gallery exhibition scheduled to open last week. Last Monday, a 61-year-old painter surnamed Song... Pop art icon Andy Warhol also produced his silkscreens and lithographs at his New York studio...
- hjh6589님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- Chair 01 and Stool 01
- After this we make compositions like abstract art. Then we choose our favourite... Design Week, and are now at the pop-up exhibition restaurant Eat Drink Design as part of Dutch Design...
- 디자인 담님 블로그 보기
- English News Briefing: Nov. 27, 2023
- media art and artists with disabilities kicked off Friday at the K-Culture Museum inside Gyeongbokgung Station, subway line No. 3, in central Seoul. READ FULL ARTICLE This week's...
- 리차드의 세상 길라잡이님 블로그 보기
- Douglas Park @ Corner Station
- douglas park, live interview, corner station, seoul, oct. 2013 http://www.cornerartspace.... Kim Kim Gallery is organizing this exhibition, which is an interesting art project...
- Kim Kim Gallery blog님 블로그 보기
- 황우철 작가
- Long Week of Short Films Festival, Shanghai, China 2015. His influence is profound. His... Sejong Art Center, Seoul, Korea 2005 Hwang Ouchul Solo Exhibition, Covalenco Museum, Netherlands...
- [EM5전시 작품 소개]Tropique_Ye-jin Jun(전예진)
- jump up!, Group Exhibition at Insa Art Plaza Gallery (Seoul, Korea) 2015 Yejin Jun x Sum pearls Collabo Show... Drawing, 분당) 2011 어영부영 전 (팔레 드 서울 Palais de Seoul, 서울) 2011 제 62회...
- 인도박물관 Indian Art Museum님 블로그 보기
- 最近 메이저 5連勝의 美國(켑카,클락,하먼,쉐플러,쇼피리),1983...
- He hasn’t been out of the top 10 since the third week in January. About the only thing... an exhibition that players were given Saturday off to attend a college football game. And then...
- 조선닷컴 골프카페 매니저의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- Luxury Brand Model Awards 2016(2nd Edition in Seoul, Korea)
- Luxury Brand Model Awards 2016 (2nd Edition in Seoul, Korea) 'New Wave, New Challenge... Exhibition Center) Program: Opening (Hologram Performance) LBMA STAR Awards(for K-Pop & Movie...
- LBMA STAR 공식님 블로그 보기
- [해외전시] M+ Pavillion 홍콩 <Tsang Kin-Wah: NOTHING>
- Designers' Week 2007 (Jingu Gaien, Tokyo, Japan) Tokyo Type Directors Club Exhibition 2007... Gallery, Seoul) Chinglish - Hong Kong Art Exhibition (Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong) Good...
- KOREA TOMORROW 2017님 블로그 보기
- 91年前 오늘, 아돌프 히틀러가 獨逸 首相이 되다...2023年...
- Members of the band Balming Tiger in Seoul this month. They consider themselves an... The same report found that ballads, not idol-group pop, made up the nation’s favorite genre, with...
- 조선닷컴 골프카페 매니저의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 다학제 간 융합연구 시스템 구축 - 휴먼ICT융합학과
- # 휴마톨로지 # 스마트 기기 # 휴매니어 # 휴먼ICT융합 # 헬스케어 # 시각장애인 # 다중감각 확장 # 융합캡스톤디자인 # 종합설계프로젝트 # 정보인지 # 예술철학 # 미학 # 동양사상 # 삶의 지혜 # 건강 정보...
- 스마트 휴먼 (Humartology)님 블로그 보기
- 이코노믹스매거진&K-POP 미국 진출 위한 가교 역할
- a week in a Korean restaurant. He also knows the history between Korea and Japan. Hey Kino, introduce yourself! Hi. I’m Kino and I’m 43. I want to tell you how I started art so I have to tell you my childhood first. My parents...
- 이코노믹스매거진님 블로그 보기
- 인류(Homo Sapiens)는 30만년전 아프리카에서 나와서...
- art. Still, even though we now know our ancient human cousins were like us — and make up... in Seoul, South Korea, September 26, 2023. SEOUL, Sept 26 (Reuters) - South Korea hosted...
- [골프] 세계 1위에 타이거 우즈 13년, 그렉 노만 6년님 블로그 보기
- 사진으로 보는 금주의 세계(5.20–5.26)
- Belarus army special troops demonstrate their skills during the eighth international exhibition of... Ousted South Korean leader Park Geun Hye (left) arrives in handcuffs at the Seoul Central District Court...
- 산비둘기 둥지트는 그곳...님 블로그 보기