○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 3,165 건
- London, Singapore and now Seoul: Korean Eye
- art exhibition “Korean Eye: Fantastic Ordinary” has come to Seoul for an impressive finale, just in time for the G20 summit. Korean Eye is a nonprofit foundation set up by David...
- munrin님의블로그님 블로그 보기
- 키아프 서울 Kiaf 2022 A36. 참여 작가 디터발처, 곽윤정...
- Dieter Balzer stands in the tradition of Concrete Art. He cuts up MDF sheets and uses to construct strictly... SOLO- EXHIBITION 27th(2021~1991) Gallery ART DY, Seoul / Dong-Duk Art Gallery, Seoul / GALLERY SOHEON, Daegu...
- GALLERY SOHEON & SOHEON Contemporary _Since 1991님 블로그 보기
- 우러戰爭으로 독일, 영국을 비롯한 유럽이 휘청거리고...
- last week. He added, “many of our value chains are breaking up as we speak.” Russia’s revival of war in Europe has prompted seismic shifts in Germany. In the early days of the invasion, the...
- [골프] 세계 1위에 타이거 우즈 13년, 그렉 노만 6년님 블로그 보기
- Make up Artist U.Rim profile
- Skin art Part 초빙강사 그 외 다수 = stage = Seoul Fahion week 2014 f/w 명철호디자이너 Judy and joshua... therapist = exhibition = 제1회 건국화 초대전 2013 국제 뷰티아티스트 엑스포 초대전 2013 세종...
- Artist_U.Rim님 블로그 보기
- South Korea Calling India/
- Recently, India’s defense companies chose the South Korean capital Seoul to display their indigenously manufactured weapons for sale at an Aerospace and Defence Exhibition (ADEX-2013)...
- Enjoy India님 블로그 보기
- 서울국제조각페스타2014 참여 조각가 리장뽈
- Art Exhibition 2010 Space survival, Annabelle 2013 FLAT TAKE1 –pop up fair at gangnam 2012 BUSAN ART SHOW (BEXCO, BUSAN) 2008 SIPA(Seoul International Photo Art Fair) (SEOUL Art Center) 2008...
- 서울국제조각페스타2014 '생각을 조각하다'님 블로그 보기
- Make Break Remix: The Rise of K-Style
- You might end up churning out commercial work that becomes waste. Seoul trained me to stand... Going to the marvellous exhibition of a famous foreign designer in his forties, I couldn't...
- 손녀님 블로그 보기
- 뉴욕 타임즈 읽기 (4) ; Jan. 13, 2015 A Concert Hall...
- (The project includes rehearsal, exhibition and educational space.) The Orchestre de Paris and Ensemble Intercontemporain, a major international contemporary music group, will take up...
- Trust, but verify님 블로그 보기
- 광주신세계갤러리 환경기획전 '더는 맛볼 수 없을지도 모릅니다'
- (city art gallery, Bulgraia) NEW ARTISTS EXHIBITION (수호갤러리, 분당) 외 다수 기획전 참여 엄 기 준 Um... 2010 POP-UP (동신대학교 문화박물관, 광주) 참 잘했어요 (라이트갤러리, 서울) 2009 FT83...
- 매거진 더 밈님 블로그 보기
- Wearable Food 1x1qx17x1=1 - 성연주展 :: Photography...
- 『 Wearable Food 1x1qx17x1=1 - 성연주展 』 Sung Yeonjoo Solo Exhibition :: Photography ▲ 성연주... Edition Pop-up_인터알리아, 서울 외 다수 Art fair 2010 아시아 탑 갤러리 호텔 아트페어...
- 아트허브 blog님 블로그 보기
- work hard and be nice to people: It All, Indefinite Article...
- pairing art and research: the file cabinet with materials on the over hundred artists of the exhibition that in the course of the exhibition is supposed to be filled up (and in the case...
- work hard and be nice to people님 블로그 보기
- Unit. 32 형식적인 It 사용하기
- A: When is Liz visiting Seoul? 리즈가 서울에 언제 오죠? B: She'll be arriving tonight! I'm going... A: There's a new exhibition at the gallery on pop art. 그 갤러리에서 팝 아트 전시회를 새로...
- 과식어림도없지후식님 블로그 보기
- [휴스턴 오픈]姜성훈(OWGR 740位), 月曜 豫選을 連長까지 가서...
- 1 spot in the world, and as Korda tees it up this week in Arizona, she’ll be chasing a... Park SEOUL, March 26 (Reuters) - An ostrich that escaped from a zoo in the South Korean town...
- 조선닷컴 골프카페 매니저의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- [베니스비엔날레 한국관작가 이용백] 대양으로 거칠게 항해하는...
- the exhibition guide by the museum docents will be run everyday: three times during the week, four... Neo-Dada, Pop Art, Conceptual Art, Hyperrealism, and Postmodernism. - The exhibition, as part of the Art...
- 아름다운사람과세일아트님 블로그 보기
- 전상옥 개인전 <A DRESS - SKIN>
- 2008 SEOUL OPEN ART FAIR 2008 -코엑스 인도양홀 2008 UP TO THE MINUTE - 코리아아트갤러리 2008 A THE ME EXHIBITION WOMEN -김현주갤러리 2008 Color Field - 대만 J. CHEN 갤러리 2007 REAL IMAGE - made in korea -art blue...
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