○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 14,717 건
- 2011년 7월 오디오정보[4]
- rendering of audio objects Interactive and social audio Social music and audio in the cloud Interactive... discuss the trends and future of audio technologies for wireless-enabled handheld devices connected to...
- 이영동의 오디오저널님 블로그 보기
- TED 100일 6기(1) 1~18일차 "Inspiring a life of...
- faces of children for seven generations into the future, looking at them from the Earth, and they would look at them, holding them as stewards for that future. Ingrid understood that we are connected to each other, not...
- 더나나스토리 - 더 나다운 나를 찾아가는 이야기님 블로그 보기
- OpenGL Basics on Android :: Kyle's Life Labs
- 0f) private var vertexBuffer: FloatBuffer = // (number of coordinate values * 4 bytes per float) ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(triangleCoords.size * 4).run { // use the device hardware's native byte order order(ByteOrder....
- Kyle's Life Labs :: Kyle's Life Labs님 블로그 보기
- 2023년 3월 고2 모의고사 영어 한줄해석 및 해석&영작TEST...
- 함축 Everyone’s heard the expression don't let the perfect become the enemy of the good. ‘완벽함이 좋음의 적이 되게 두지 말라’는 표현은 누구나 들어 본 적이 있다. If you want to get...
- 아삭영어(식감좋은 영어학습)님 블로그 보기
- Natural Language Supervision — 현서의 개발 일지📚
- autoregressive하고 maksed language modeling을 통한 task-agnostic학습 은 모델의 대규모의... (Exploring the Limits of Weakly Supervised Pretraining Mahajan 2018 et al.)에서는 Instagram에서의 ImageNet...
- 현서의 개발 일지📚 — 현서의 개발 일지📚님 블로그 보기
- of K-Pop, and the Making of an International Superstar.
- a language he did not fully understand, yet the intensity of his voice compelled him to... inside of him for so many years were suddenly released. He had spiritually connected to the...
- 비와 젊은느티나무님 블로그 보기
- bruno munari 브루노 무나리
- 1927년 밀라노에서 개최된 '미래파 화가 33인전'에 『무용의 기계(쓸모없는 기계)』를... give the sensation that books are indeed objects made like this and that they contain a wide array of surprises. Culture...
- HERZ님 블로그 보기
- Chapter 2. First Language Acquisition
- potentially connected to this abilities that are in the process of being formed. 2)... use of the language, no translation between first and second languages, and little or no analysis...
- 영어와 잉여사이님 블로그 보기
- [국제회의] 한양대학교 모의유엔 대회 <HMUN> 초청강연 현장공개!
- Department of International Studies Students Association ○ Participants : Youth from Hanyang University and around the world (approx. 100 people) ○ Language : English ○ HMUN Purpose : 세계 각국의...
- BTF 푸른나무재단 (청소년폭력예방재단)님 블로그 보기
- 신입사원 입사식 개최
- and connected. Half of them majoredin electronics and computer and we recently expanded recruitment of employees in this eld in preparation for changes in the automobile industry such as integration of vehicle and IT. In order to enhance...
- 현대모비스 공식 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 한강 작가 2024 노벨 문학상 수상소감
- In these moments I experience again the thread of language that connects us, how my questions are relating with readers through that electric, living thing. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all those who have connected with me...
- Chaena English님 블로그 보기
- 미국사 원서 혼자 공부하기 day 398 재스퍼 존스
- to the visual language of Pop artists like Andy Warhol. ✔️Redefinition of Everyday Objects in Art: By using... 그의 그림과 판화는 뉴욕 메트로폴리탄 미술관, 스미스소니언 협회를 비롯해 전...
- 루틴지키미 줄리아의 평생루틴님 블로그 보기
- SQLite Extraction of Oracle Tables Tools, Methods and...
- Connected to a transient in-memory database. Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent... lack of a specified data_scale on integer values. A run against the ALL_OBJECTS view below...
- Home | Linux Journal님 블로그 보기
- 지도라는 역사의 단면에 ‘침묵’을 새겨 넣는 법
- Instead of questioning a past that cannot be answered, the exhibition focuses on the power surrounding the edges of silence through the perspectives of Yung Song, Shantal Jeewon Kim, and Heekyung Lee. 1. Traces of Power Left above the Silence The moment you...
- 멈춰서 미술 보기님 블로그 보기
- Linda's Ornaments
- “Traveling to other parts of the world, I would bring home ornaments or find interesting objects I... Some ornaments reflect the love and history of the family, while others are connected to the memory of a place...
- Datz Press님 블로그 보기