○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 3,162 건
- Centre Pompidou president promises pop-ups in Korea and...
- pop-up branches in China and Korea. “Talks are underway to establish pop-ups in Seoul and... temporary exhibition at the new National Gallery Singapore, which is due to open next...
- 미술과 비평님 블로그 보기
- Kristin Juárez's Experience at SASG 2 | Seoul Art...
- Kristin Juárez's Experience at SASG 2 posted by Seoul Art Space_Geumcheon , , Week in... Asking people to open up their homes, Jung and exhibition-goers gain a glimpse into the private...
- Seoul Art Space_GEUMCHEON님 블로그 보기
- 문화가 흐르는 예술섬 노들_케이팝 특별주간
- heats up Nodeul Island with electrifying K-POP content. "Cultural hub of art island, Nodeul" is an official program held on Nodeul Island, a landmark of Seoul. As part of that program, we present a special week...
- 빛으로 여는 세상님 블로그 보기
- Hosting Taylor Swift: For Singapore, the impact goes...
- After last week's revelations about how Singapore became the only South-east Asian stop for Swift's... groundbreaking art-exhibition company Art Stage - would have received state assistance, and some form of...
- 꿈꾸는 직장인 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 갑자기 닿은 기회 (12.16~12.23)
- This week, I ended up visiting three exhibitions. I hadn’t originally planned to cram them all into one week.. I visited the ‘Van Gogh’ exhibition at Hangaram Art gellery in Seoul Art Center and the...
- 문화 예술 공감님 블로그 보기
- Soul and Essence of ASEAN Week (Part 2)
- 4-day exhibition. (Source: Ngoc Quang Nguyen) In conclusion, ASEAN Week 2022 had achieved the goal to introduce the new values of ASEAN fabric that connects the art and everyday life...
- 한-아세안센터 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 주말갈만한전시추천 한남동 라니서울 한영수사진전
- Youngsoo Exhibition <INNOCENCE> 2024.3.15 – 2024.4.27 관람시간 : 화 - 토요일 11:00 ~ 18:00 (매주 일, 월요일... 서울 소공동 한국은행 The Bank of Korea, Sogong-dong, Seoul 1956-1963 저마다의 방식으로 무언가를 향해...
- 샐리의 시선님 블로그 보기
- Rebel: 30 Years of London Fashion
- ‘Start-Up Culture’ room The ‘Art School’ room. In the background, a shocking blue dress by Molly Goddard features The exhibition is a landmark collaboration with the British...
- Pira's Scrap님 블로그 보기
- [제1전시관] 갤러리 도스 기획 김레이시 ‘그 어떤...
- Group Exhibition / Gallery Studio 34 – LIC, NY 2018 Holiday Small Works / Limner Gallery – Hudson, NY 2018... 2011 Pop Up Art Show / Intermix Gallery The Chelsea Room in Hotel Chelsea - New York, NY 2011 Better by The Dozen...
- Gallery DOS 갤러리 도스님 블로그 보기
- [예술의 전당] 세계 팝업 아트 전 world pop up art
- World Pop Up Art Exhibition in Seoul Art Center 아주 아주 뒤늦은 포스팅이네요 ^^; 예술의 전당에서 열린 세계 팝업아트전. 평소에 종이를 이용한 시각 작품이나 팝업 아트를 좋아기는 했지만 아티스트들의 작품을...
- 디자인하는 엄마님 블로그 보기
- 국립현대무용단ㅣDMAU 프로젝트 <인잇> 프로세서 프로필
- Born in Jeonju, Korea, Na Eui Kim grew up in Pohang and moved to Seoul when she was in middle school and... DAIKANYAMA ART WEEK. 제이슨 옙 Jason YI...
- Korea National Contemporary Dance Company님 블로그 보기
- 7-6.13) Ha Young-jun solo exhibition in 2023 June, Seoul
- For the week from Wednesday, June 7, 2023 to Tuesday, June 13, 2023, Gallery LAMER, located in Insa-dong, at... Ha Young-jun Solo Exhibition – Outside Form By Park Young-taik (Kyonggi University Professor & Art...
- 시로써 그림을 탐하다님 블로그 보기
- Paul Yore and Devon Ackermann | Seoul Art Space_GEUMCHEON
- Paul Yore and Devon Ackermann posted by Seoul Art Space_Geumcheon , , Profile: Education 2007-2010 Monash University, Melbourne, Painting and Anthropology Solo exhibition 2013 Fountain...
- Seoul Art Space_GEUMCHEON님 블로그 보기
- 24년11월16일 빌보드차트잡담::채플 론=왜 이럴까?, 카롤G와...
- Greatest Pop Stars of the 21st)'는 4위 드레이크. 지금까지 발표된 순위들을 보면... 4위... ※관련글 : 24년11월9일 빌보드차트잡담::위켄드=배우병+"영화 Hurry Up Tomorrow" https://blog.naver.com...
- 그냥 잡담 202003님 블로그 보기
- [A.I. Art] AI ART EXHIBITION 2019-2020. ver
- the-art-of-mario-klingemann?fbclid=IwAR0b_kObyponvPD0te6f4d_cbljkTBHZfZ628_F01kx2P_KyHU-QX7GEdDc 2019.4.18 - 2019.5.11 <<FORGING THE GODS>>, TRANSFER pop-up #ONCANAL http://transfergallery....
- Blog Art Part님 블로그 보기