○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 4,751 건
- The Swimming Cities of SWOON
- part of the everyday city life, she decided to take the seas as well. As a captain of her... various pieces are available for sale from Deitch Projects, Black Rat Press, Paper Monster...
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- 음하영 개인전 일상과 상상의 교차점에서 이길이구 갤러리
- of life and the complexities of human emotion. Rediscovering the Everyday in the Artist’s Philosophy... His pieces are included in numerous private and institutional collections both in Korea and abroad. Eum...
- 소식통TV님 블로그 보기
- [오예스 오픽] - 취미 생활 (2)
- in everyday moments. In conclusion, my passion for music lies in its ability to evoke emotions and enhance my daily life. Through pop and classical music, and the artistry of Adele and Ludovico Einaudi, I’ve discovered a world...
- 스마토니의 뉴테크놀로지 영어 공부님 블로그 보기
- The Tattooist of Auschwitz || The Book Thief || Sydney...
- 'The Tattooist of Auschwitz' focuses mainly on life inside the concentration camps, while 'The Book Thief' focuses on the everyday lives of Germans who neither fully supported Nazism...
- Hi:D님 블로그 보기
- [그림책 4+] The Book Star (가제: 책 스타)
- She spends her days being inspired by ordinary, everyday pieces of life and her nights trying to weave that inspiration into picture book manuscripts. Joanna Bartel is a designer and illustrator with experience in Arts...
- 초이스메이커코리아 The ChoiceMaker Korea Agency님 블로그 보기
- 우리가 인디언으로 알던 사람들(2) 부산박물관
- 우리가 인디언으로 알던 사람들 Stories of the People Whom We once Called Indians ... 북미 원주민의 문화와 역사 Culture and History of Indigenous People in North America 2024년 #부산박물관 교류기획전 #국립중앙박물관...
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- [art,design]The hybrid sculptures of Brendan Lee Tang
- curiosity pieces for aristocrats. But here, robotic prosthetics inspired by anime and manga... everyday lives and our inability to shut out the uncomfortable and tragic elements of life...
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- Why Learning to Code is Important for High School...
- - You learn to break down complex tasks into smaller pieces, which is helpful in all areas of life, not just... in everyday life. Whether you want to create something new, solve tough problems, or just understand the tech...
- Ai코딩님 블로그 보기
- [영화 소공녀 리뷰, 감상평] 길 위에서 찾은 작은 행복의 조각들
- [Review of the Movie Microhabitat] Pieces of Small Happiness Found on the Road In life, we occasionally... Director Jeon Go-woon effectively captures the small pleasures of everyday life that we often overlook. The...
- 영화와 삶님 블로그 보기
- 송민희 작가 소개_작가 노트와 약력
- side of men. The writer who majored in fashion design thinks that fashion is like lifestyle. Because fashion reflects the times and applies everywhere in everyday life. What we wear, where we go, who we meet...
- 대구 수성구 패션일러스트 (그림공방)님 블로그 보기
- Arts and Craft of ASEAN: How are they portrayed in...
- The exceptional quality of ASEAN crafts is the product of a beautiful fusion of advanced technology and the master artisanal ethos that is engrained in Southeast Asians' everyday life...
- 한-아세안센터 블로그님 블로그 보기
- Gregory Crewdson
- scenes of everyday life. He explores a new genre, one that is centered around a representation of a... of a divorce, his work was gaining traction in the art world, but his life was falling to pieces....
- 시몽님 블로그 보기
- Woodcrafting knowledge of the Zafimaniry
- aspects of life and death. Zafimaniry proficiency in forestry and wood sculpting can be seen in constructions and everyday objects. Practically all wooden surfaces – walls, window...
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- 일러스트레이터 조수아 페커
- He liberates them from the confines of everyday life, while setting them free in a color-laden world of his own imagination. Here are some pieces from Petker's solo show, "We're Not as Colorful as We Think We...
- chyana님 블로그 보기
- [피규어뉴스] 핫토이 PS5 마블 스파이더맨2 피터 파커...
- his everyday life and responsibilities as Spider-Man. The game introduces a cool variety of skins that... This intricately detailed figure features a masked head sculpt with two pairs of interchangeable eye pieces...