○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 3,189 건
- Meet Pigcasso, The World's First Pig Artist
- The South African activist says of the numerous toys presented to keep the then four-week... Dubbed “Oink,” the pop-up exhibition will run through March 5 before heading to London...
- Pangyo English Learning Centre님 블로그 보기
- [작가소개] 최나리 / 갤러리 베누스
- setec seoul, 서울 2021 아시아아트쇼2021, 송도컨벤시아, 인천 2021 대구 아트페어... 하나은행, 분당 서울대학병원, Da Xiang Art Space(대만), 옆집 갤러리, 진 화랑, 뮤즈 갤러리...
- Gallery Venus님 블로그 보기
- 무라카미 타카시Murakami Takashi
- Ensō Pop-up show organized by Galerie Perrotin Kaikai Kiki Gallery, Tokyo, Japan - Takashi... of Art, Seoul, Korea - Solo Exhibition Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Hong Kong - ARHAT Blum & Poe...
- 유갤러리●이전준비중입니다.님 블로그 보기
- 사진으로 보는 세계적인 여성 건축가 자하 하디드의 작품...
- Exhibition (Seoul Architecture Festival, Paik Nam June Show, etc.) Event (HERA Seoul Fashion Week... Facilities - Art Hall: Art Hall 1, 2, International Conference Hall - Museum: Design Museum, Design Exhibition...
- Beautiful as You are님 블로그 보기
- 키아프 서울 Kiaf 2022 A36. 참여 작가 디터발처, 곽윤정...
- Dieter Balzer stands in the tradition of Concrete Art. He cuts up MDF sheets and uses to construct strictly... SOLO- EXHIBITION 27th(2021~1991) Gallery ART DY, Seoul / Dong-Duk Art Gallery, Seoul / GALLERY SOHEON, Daegu...
- GALLERY SOHEON & SOHEON Contemporary _Since 1991님 블로그 보기
- The Stash Dauber: FTW, 12.3.2022
- the week when in February producer extraordinaire David Breskin curated six nights of duo performances at the Nasher Sculpture Center during the museum's Harry Bertoia exhibition. For...
- The Stash Dauber님 블로그 보기
- SeMA to block blockbusters
- Deoksugung, exhibition, Gyeonghuigung, MOCA, Namhyeon-dong, Prada Transformer, Sangam-dong, SeMA, Seosomun-dong, Seoul Art Space, Seoul Arts Center, Sogyeok-dong, UUL No comments: Post a...
- Seoul Village님 블로그 보기
- London Design Festival
- UK exhibition by furniture brand Zeitraum in Viaduct’s dedicated exhibition space is... Warehouse Pop up warehouse in Kensington with a focus on vintage school furniture, plus Arne...
- Sublime님 블로그 보기
- #아티스트박스플레이앳홈 5. 지희장/ Jeehui Chang's...
- the Art Ammunition Exhibition. Many Korean and global artists have been spotlighted for their projects that... 2020 Beat Board, Kageyama Art Gallery, Shizuoka, Japan 2020 Beat Board, Space55, Seoul, Korea 2020...
- 강원트리엔날레님 블로그 보기
- Robert sturman
- Sturman grows up in an environment interested in literature and art. 1984 — Sturman... centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'" - Kerouac October 31, 2006 PIECE OF THE WEEK...
- 수호천사? 수호=천사?님 블로그 보기
- 시간의 향기 Duft der Zeit (2014. 10. 02 ~ 2014. 10. 12)
- ‘Unexpected exhibition POP UP’, 판교 2012 ‘Slade Degree Show‘, UCL, 런던, 영국 2011 ‘Cites Methodologies... By Seoul Cultural Centre Collaborate With Oldenburg University in German 2009 ‘100 Cube’, Blim갤러리, 서울 2009...
- 아트허브 blog님 블로그 보기
- Roboseyo: Thanks, Harry Connick Jr.
- at the Seoul Art Center. The man did not disappoint. He showed up with a full big band, and... girlfriend's week; you made a new fan, and secured another one for life. Here's Kim Geon...
- Roboseyo님 블로그 보기
- Space and Place :: Various (2017. 03. 02 ~ 2017. 04. 10)
- 2010 Pop-up Beginnings, 미라벡그린 갤러리, 뉴욕 2010 한-아세안 Emerging Wave, 예술의 전당 한가람 미술관, 서울 2010 Korean Art Show, 라 베뉴, 뉴욕 2010 DECENTERED, 한국문화예술진흥원...
- 아트허브 blog님 블로그 보기
- artist 02. Andy Warhol 앤디 워홀 미공개 데생 300여점...
- next week. They show another side to Warhol, an artist we mostly know for his pop art screen... an exhibition of drawings called Andy Warhol Stereo Types. In 2011, Blau approached Vincent Fremont...
- 밤비안나records님 블로그 보기
- 배다리 아트스테이1930 '잇다스페이스 작은미술관' 김민기...
- RICH ART LOVERS Pop-up Store (Gallery berlae, 현대 백화점, 대구) FLY AWAY EXHIBITION (Studio Kki, 파주) Fairy... de seoul , 서울) ‘어느새’ 전 (포이에시스21,일산) ‘각양각색’ 전 (통인 화랑, 서울)...
- 배다리 아트스테이1930님 블로그 보기