○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 578 건
- Neatorama
- Read more about them at her blog, in a post laced with movie dialogue. -Thanks, Jill! Idiot... sweatshops, and makeshift livings spaces for the struggling poor of the era. As you see...
- An Ignoble Experiment님 블로그 보기
- [작가의 외출] 展 곽수영, 권혁, 김소형. 김지혜, 김지희, 나안나...
- 주요 개인전 2019 구름이 낯을가리고, 씨알콜렉티브, 서울 2018 Flux, 자작나무 갤러리, 서울 2017 Controlled and Uncontrolled, 스페이스 윌링앤 딜링, 서울 2016 COSMOS, space k, 대구 2014 Nature DMZ, 박수근미술관...
- 한국사진방송 공식블로그님 블로그 보기
- [지카 바이러스] 올림픽이 연기되거나 다른 나라로 옮겨야...
- The difference between the W.H.O. and the C.D.C. guidance on sexual transmission of Zika may reflect how little is known about the probability and conditions under which such transmission...
- 조선닷컴 골프카페 매니저의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- Cries of London
- I must ask you to see me on some morning, between nine and eleven o’clock, and to make a previous appointment, as I am a working man, with plenty to do. Yours sincerely, Charles...
- Premature Yet Splendid님 블로그 보기
- prairiemary: 2007
- balance between chaos and eros. And so totally blank in describing what animals in their... writer and actor (Michael Kitchen) agree to be a dialogue minimalist: he says very little....
- prairiemary님 블로그 보기
- criticism & article
- 2003년 서울에서 첫 개인전을 열었는데 당시에는 일회용 종이컵과 액체가 작품의... The artist focuses on wine which people unconsciously consume and finds connections between his traces of...
- 유용상님 블로그 보기
- Aktiv Grotesk | MetaFilter
- speech dialogue (though comic book text is all caps and usually handlettered/kerned). It... arranges and spaces letters and what they say is tenfold more important than the letterforms...
- MetaFilter | Community Weblog님 블로그 보기
- 임만혁 초대展 -말과 아이들-
- 걸친 개인전이 최근 몇 년 사이의 전시경력이다. 이 같은 활동내역은 그가... This tension is not only present in a situation between objects but also between the object and viewers. His most...
- 당신은 언제나 최고입니다 - 베스트브랜드님 블로그 보기
- - 모르는 사람들
- Units and Rescue Units, Eyedrum, Small Gallery, Atlanta GA SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS2008Color Less Delicious, Curated by Eiketsu Baba, Nu'uanu Gallery, Honolulu HI Dialogue: flat/form, Curated by...
- Changgo™님 블로그 보기
- 김정락 선생님 평론
- 2009년 금호미술관에서 열렸던 그의 개인전의 제목은 ‘와 닿다’였다. 이성이... relationship between the world and objects based on rational thought, emotion is nothing more than a spice to the...
- luis님 블로그 보기
- [MP영어] 고1 2014년 9월 영어
- He is leading his discussion group and even preparing for the school festival. He also tries to read books for his assignments in between classes. However, he hasn’t finished his readings...
- MP영어 좌지문 우해석님 블로그 보기
- The Origins of Totalitarianism
- Ill: The Alliance Between Mob and Capital 147. XIV CONTENTS Six: Race-Thinking Before Racism 158 i: A "Race" of Aristocrats Af;ainst a "Nation" of Citizens 161. ii: Race Unity as a...
- 열린사회와 이카루스님 블로그 보기
- Kim Hong-Shik / Profile_ver.Kor
- And Shadow, 사디 윈도우갤러리 2004 / Kim Hong-Shik, Modern Art Center of Osaka-Fu, Osaka, Japan 2003 / Non-communication II, Wright State University, USA 2002 / Non-communication, 금산갤러리 1995 / 김홍식개인전...
- Eight UX Design Trends for 2013
- analyzing, and optimizing your habits and behaviors more fun than ever. Augmented Dialogue... Big cities draw a fairly firm distinction between a house and a hotel, but Airbnb’s...
- 인생의 무대님 블로그 보기
- 'Suspected terrorist' removed from flight
- I thought that people still aren't supposed to take any type of sharp objects on planes... difference between making flights safer and eliminating uncomfortable reminders of potential...
- MetaFilter | Community Weblog님 블로그 보기