○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 8,738 건
- The key to language is universal psychology, not...
- Author : Paul Ibbotson Lecturer in Developmental Psychology, The Open University What makes language... Can you give it to me?” while gesturing ambiguously in the direction of three objects, infants hand over...
- Kimfolk Busan님 블로그 보기
- The Technology of iCircuit 3D
- The key was to base both undo and serialization on properties of objects. Serialization is... rigidly connected. I use these rigid joints for both breadboards and for building blocks....
- praeclarum님 블로그 보기
- How Google Makes Custom Cloud Chips That Power Apple AI...
- The world sort of has this fundamental belief that all AI large language models are being trained on... for the first launch. There's actually four chips inside there. It's connected to. Actually, two of those are...
- JK 시즌3님 블로그 보기
- [16] 무한한 간주자-한계와 기도 [마가 카우치]
- [16] 무한한 간주자-한계와 기도 [마가 카우치] The Phenomenology of Prayer (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy) by (eds) Bruce Ellis Benson , Norman Wirzba 내 영혼을 보존하소서. 나는 거룩하니라. —시 86:21 (1) 마치 기도(preca ̄ ri)가...
- 하나님이 보시기에 좋았더라(창 1:4)님 블로그 보기
- The Prince and The Pauper 3 /(Mark Twain) 1881년
- I talk the language of these base kennel-rats like to a very native." 11 The speaker was a... The tears sprang to his eyes and blurred all objects. For an instant he felt himself the...
- 정현법사님 블로그 보기
- [금천예술공장 4기 입주작가] 곽이브
- Space into the language, Space15th, 서울 제31회 중앙미술대전 선정작가전, 예술의전당... christening of objects’. However, the critical strategy of re-questioning the existential forms of...
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- [1] 동양의 눈으로 로마서 읽는 방법
- 해리슨은 동료 전 NFL 선수 콜린 캐퍼닉에 대해 "그는 흑인이 아니다"라고 말했다. [3] 그러나 일반적인... [4] 서던캘리포니아대학교(University of Southern California)에서 인종 및 대중문화 연구를 위한 기부 의장을...
- 하나님이 보시기에 좋았더라(창 1:4)님 블로그 보기
- SQLite Extraction of Oracle Tables Tools, Methods and...
- Connected to a transient in-memory database. Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent... lack of a specified data_scale on integer values. A run against the ALL_OBJECTS view below...
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- Brand identity / Telstra
- parts of their lives are better connected. The result is an identity that incorporates the full spectrum of... Visual Language를 만들어내어 브랜드의 잠재력을 충분히 확보하면서 새로운 방향성을...
- 디자인이 고픈 디자이너님 블로그 보기
- [2] 예술 담론의 해체하기
- Liturgy as a Way of Life: Embodying the Arts in Christian Worship (The Church and Postmodern Culture) 2013 by Bruce Ellis Benson... 이와 비슷하게, 제 전 동료인 Alva Steffler는 기독교 예술가들이 "예술가로서의 소외감"뿐만 아니라...
- 하나님이 보시기에 좋았더라(창 1:4)님 블로그 보기
- 181-209, The Arrow of History/The scent of Money )
- already connected by significant cultrual, political and economic ties. (by AD 1450) Economic orders unified the world. Osama bin Laden, for all his hatred of American culture, American...
- For Harukish Life님 블로그 보기
- 자작시 Red shift 다시 쓰기: ChatGPT와 글쓰기
- Your essay has a beautiful metaphor, and I appreciate the way you connected the red shift phenomenon with personal... I'm living in 4 years ago, I'm confined in the room of the time. My friends leaved there 4 years ago. I want to reach...
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- 공고 V- H
- I graduated from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Seoul National University, and received a master's degree in Chinese simultaneous interpretation from the Graduate School of Interpretation...
- 光女 II님 블로그 보기
- [아티스트 이야기] 세기의 앙숙인 Anish Kapoor와 Stuart...
- of Design"? Often, when we design or make art, we just do it. But there is actually a language for... Balance: The distribution of the visual weight of objects, or shapes, colors, texture, and space resulting in a...
- 샌프란시스코 베이지역: 예술 좋아하는 평범한 몽상가님 블로그 보기
- 쥐에게 운전 연습을 가르치며 얻은 교훈
- Rats typically prefer dirt, sticks and rocks over plastic objects. Now, we had them driving cars. 자연... fire, language, stone tools and agriculture. And some time after the invention of the wheel, humans made...
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