○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 14,714 건
- OpenGL Basics on Android :: Kyle's Life Labs
- 0f) private var vertexBuffer: FloatBuffer = // (number of coordinate values * 4 bytes per float) ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(triangleCoords.size * 4).run { // use the device hardware's native byte order order(ByteOrder....
- Kyle's Life Labs :: Kyle's Life Labs님 블로그 보기
- 1996년 노벨 문학상을 수상한 폴란드 시인이자...
- " "In the language of poetry, where every word is weighted, nothing is usual or normal. Not a single stone and not a single... 단 하나의 돌도, 그 위의 구름도." "You can find the entire cosmos lurking in its least remarkable objects." "가장...
- 디지털 노가다 digital nogada님 블로그 보기
- 24년 고1 내신대비 기말고사
- To ( ) means to convert text from one language to another. To ( ) is to interpret the meaning of something. To ( ) means to explain in another language. - A) translate - B) convert - C) interpret - D) render - E)...
- Out, Out brief candle..Life's but ...님 블로그 보기
- Berlin-The Jewish museum / Daniel Libeskind(1999)
- irrationally connected star which shines with absent light of individual address; the second is the cutoff of Act... along the One Way Street." - Daniel Libeskind's Homepage - 1989년 개최된 현상설계를 통해 당선된...
- archur가 해석하는 도시, 건축님 블로그 보기
- 현대인프라코어㈜, 신개념 화재 탐지 및 진압 솔루션 ‘알파샷’
- The thermal imaging camera can accurately identify fires inside invisible objects and beyond walls, with no... It is designed so that a nearby hydrant can be connected to the inside of the canister, allowing firefighters or...
- 월간파워코리아 공식블로그님 블로그 보기
- [Objective-C]The Objective-C Programming Language
- html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30001163-CH11-SW1 Objects, Classes, and Messaging The Runtime System ObjC... // Each member of the path is an object x = person.address.street.name; x = [[[person address] street] name]...
- 프로페셔널 되기님 블로그 보기
- 2017 KIAF Preview of The Artist _ 허 욱
- His unique visual language is also on display in the "Between Tiers" series, examining the meaning of space and flatness for objects. He is actively involved in a cross-spectrum of artistic work, creating corporate and...
- GALLERY SOHEON & SOHEON Contemporary _Since 1991님 블로그 보기
- semiotics of the minimal: the psychical and symbolic...
- artistic language whose artists and its proponents argued it as a “direct, unadulterated... Whiteread creates sculptures out of the empty space of objects, negative replicas/casts of...
- CrITErION 家님 블로그 보기
- ◎ 퇴계에서의 상제(上帝)와 이도설(理到說)에 관하여[황 상 희]
- 첨부파일 퇴계에서의 상제(上帝)와 이도설(理到說)에 관하여.pdf 퇴계에서의 상제(上帝)와 이도설(理到說)에 관하여* 황 상 희* 들어가는 말 1. 종교적 경향성 2. 상제관 3. 사단(四端)과 상제 4. 격물(物格)을 통한...
- 金漢熙의 맑은샘漢文님 블로그 보기
- [P8/8] The Preciousness of the Human Body, June 21, 2024
- not the Ones gone to Heaven too long ago, then maybe They have not much Power or energy connected with our world... 21) [Part 8/8] The Preciousness of the Human Body, June 21, 2024 ◇ 여러분이 알고 싶다면, 불교 승단의 계율...
- 빛소리 Bitsori님 블로그 보기
- 금주의 구동사: think of, account for, refer to, look...
- to be a particular amount ③ to keep a record of how the money in your care will be spent or has been spent... ① (as something) to mention or talk about somebody/something ② to describe or be connected to somebody/something ③...
- 새내기할배의 6 Minute English 공부방님 블로그 보기
- Internet of Things : IoT
- network of physical objects or "things" embedded with electronics, software, sensors and connectivity to enable it to achieve greater value and service by exchanging data with the manufacturer, operator and/or other connected devices. Each...
- Make it work !!님 블로그 보기
- 이현아 개인전 : 이드(id) - 대덕문화전당 기획전
- 개인전을 개최한다. 사진작가 이현아는 가시화된 자신의 이면 뒤에 내재하는... through the use of mannequins as objects. I aspire to support a life where one breaks free from conventional...
- 사진바다님 블로그 보기
- 눈이 즐거운 백화점과 제과점의 크리스마스 ft. 라...
- (For the Love of God) 라는 조형물의 사진을 찍어서 스크린 프린트를 한 것 같은데 설명을 안읽어봐서 각자... 크리스마스 시즌에 서울미디어아트위크(SMAW)로 개최 된 크리스마스 라이트 판타지아 (Light Fantasia)...
- Burnaby Civic Square
- of the contemporary generation of Northwest Coast art, to begin an intensive study of traditional Northwest Coast objects. His later investigations concentrated on only Nuu-chah-nulth style. He was...
- 두류봉의 집님 블로그 보기