○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 440 건
- 14 countries launch a plan for a sustainable ocean economy
- And that you have to consider those in concert.” A mix of 14 developed and developing... nation’s waters by 2025, so as not to ignore certain individual ecosystems. They’re...
- Fast Company님 블로그 보기
- Get ready for 5G to make your phone even more addictive...
- In Ericsson’s analysis, streaming video will drive those soaring data-usage levels. By 2025, the report expects that video will grow by 30% a year to soak up 76% of all mobile...
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- 2023-08-07 월요일 헤드라인&키워드 뉴스
- 공세 * 분당 칼부림 피의자, 범행 전 휴대전화로 '칼·가스총' 검색 * 헬멧에 방패 든 '시위 진압' 부대... 10일 한반도 관통 가능성 * ‘갈지자’ 태풍 카눈, 10일 한반도 관통할 듯 * 분당 칼부림도, 교사 습격도...
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- Bottled water's next trick is making the bottle disappear
- water’s new wave is about selling us something even more watery than water. And ideally... a concert or party. “We brought [the cans] to different house parties to see how people...
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- 테크놀로지 동향 2
- But perhaps the report’s most staggering projection is that machine learning and digital automation will eliminate 75 million jobs by 2025. However, as new industries emerge and...
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- live streams - Fast Company
- NYC ball drop 2025: How to watch New Year’s Eve Times Square performances for free The... NEWS Michigan Central train station concert: Watch the star-studded Detroit event live or...
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- (8월 11일) 성장주 vs 가치주 !! 현대차..유동성…코스피 2400...
- 美서 PAV·英서 인프라 투트랙…현대차, UAM 주도권 잡는다 (헤럴드경제) - 英 어반 에어포트와 파트너십, 우버와 함께 선보인 PAV S-A1이 바탕이며, 100㎞를 비행할 수 있는 해당 기체는 2023년...
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- (9월1주차 주간전략) 쏘아진 화살 (?) !! Vision Buy Korea !!...
- (9월1주차 주간전략) 쏘아진 화살 (?) !! Vision Buy Korea !! 08월31일(월) 중국 8월 제조업 PMI 일본 7월 산업생산 09월01일(화) 한국 8월 수출입동향 미국 8월 ISM제조업,중국 8월 차이신 제조업...
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- AR/VR의 미래
- Just last year, the global VR/AR market hit a value of $814.7 billion, and it is only expected to continue surging at a 63 percent CAGR until 2025. Apple’s Tim Cook has remarked, “I...
- 지평선 너머님 블로그 보기
- Why Isn't Wind As Sexy As Solar? - Fast Company
- In 2016, the first year of the PTC phasedown, the U.S. installed 8,203 megawatts of new... by 2025. In 2015, the U.S. sourced just 13.44% from nonpolluting sources. While hydro and...
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- 오늘 주요 종목들 알아볼게요. 호텔신라,셀트리온제약...
- Analysts predict that BGF Retail and GS Retail's stock prices will rise due to their convenience store businesses during the summer season. " " ▶▶▶ CJ◀◀◀ https://supercharge.tistory.com/43 CJ주식회사가 대한체육회와 공식 파트너...
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- 재료공학의 미래: 에디슨의 면화전구에서 텅스텐 전구로...
- a concert at Madison Square Garden… all in the same day. “What if we could get you and... of new materials. It’s an outgrowth of both physics and chemistry, using the periodic...
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- 191216_40 eCommerce Statistics to Boost Your Online...
- Ordering food, deciding which retail store’s new collection best fits your style, and... 17% year-on-year growth. In 2002, PayPal was acquired by auction site eBay. It has made great...
- 글로벌셀링/이커머스/CBT 이야기!님 블로그 보기
- [2022-11-21] 오늘의 코스피 뉴스
- the Year)’로 선정됐다. S&P 글로벌 코모디티 인사이트는 철강, 원자재 및 에너지 분야 세계 최대 정보분석 기관이다. 2013년부터 철강, 비철금속, 희귀금속, 알루미늄 등 전세계 금속산업 및 광업...
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- [2022-12-28] 오늘의 코스피 뉴스(2)
- 수준에서 2025년 83조 원으로 급성장할 예정”이라고 말했다. 증권가는 국내 기업 중 XR 기기에 부품을 공급하는 종목에 주목하라고 조언한다. LG이노텍(011070)이 대표적이다. 애플에...
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