○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 567 건
- THE BLUET :: , ving
- format and delivery. 57. One of the reasons physical spaces, including our office desks... When traveling by sea, knowing your exact location can mean the difference between life and...
- THE BLUET :: THE BLUET님 블로그 보기
- DaVinci Resolve 15
- Fairlight improvements include new ADR (aka automated dialogue replacement) tools, a... halls and other spaces. Fusion Fusion is one heck of a powerful VFX package. It lets you work in...
- 아기부엉이님 블로그 보기
- [manystuff/매니스터프] 2013년 2월 15일, 매니스터프 그래픽...
- clients and budgets, the school acts as a think tank encouraging research and dialogue. This... distance between art and life through artistic languages which employed everyday objects...
- 미소의 아름다운 공간님 블로그 보기
- Introduction of Harun Farocki
- Farocki's films are a constant dialogue with images, with image making, and with the... The objects and people in Farocki's films move about as if in slow motion.... Every angle has its...
- kinodorf님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 대만 구급헬기 비행착각 사고사례(NA-706) 최종보고서...
- Law and the International Civil Aviation Convention No. 13 Annex, this investigation report... accidents and does not aim at disposition or accountability. Summary report On February 5...
- 항공사고 블로그님 블로그 보기
- [NANDA 간호진단] 2018-2020 난다 간호진단 Domain 3~5
- 배설과 교환 (Elimination and exchange) 199~200p Class 1. 비뇨기계 기능 (Urinary function)... gender and age) 혼돈 (Confusion) 위장관 운동 감소 (Decrease in gastrointestinal motility) 탈수...
- 가노간호님 블로그 보기
- There's no false valour in Autism
- moving objects, rows of similar objects, such as in grocery store aisles or lines of text... There is a lot of overlap between ADHD and a bunch of behaviors/traits/tendencies and common...
- MetaFilter | Community Weblog님 블로그 보기
- 이혜주 시인이 바라본 강화산의 작품
- Fishing 이혜주 그대는 고기를 잡으러 바다로 가는가? 나는 고기를 토하러 바다로 간다네 그대는 자랑을 위하여 기다림을 익히는가? 나는 잘게 씹어 삼킨 사랑을 게우노라 피 붉은 역류 투명한 오징어 맑은 속살로...
- 그림창고 강화산님 블로그 보기
- A History of Public Art in the US
- A traditional definition would be “art placed in public places and spaces [that are] open... But now public art functions to build communities, foster dialogue, or encourage...
- 벽없는 미술관님 블로그 보기
- 120707 Understanding Comics: The invisible Art
- Is he standing above the objects s/he is representing? If so, what does this tell readers about the relationship between artist and observed events? Is s/he giving us a close-up view? If...
- 제 2장 3막님 블로그 보기
- [페블 D1]레비오다 -7, 래미,고든 -6, 립스키,콜,기타야마,글리직...
- objects to referring to “vulnerable” groups and “underrepresented minority” and... gulf between well-educated liberals and the 62 percent majority of Americans who lack a...
- 조선닷컴 골프카페 매니저의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 별 만들기 튜토리얼
- Hit ctrl + L to bring up the Levels dialogue box and enter the following settings into the... This is where you make your clusters and dark spaces come alive. Try using the clone brush...
- RoadStreet(길가)님 블로그 보기
- Siris: 2011
- Colours unseen by the colours seen, And sounds unheard heard sounds between, And a night is... Here in the middle spaces the world will pass by, light all around it. What will worry...
- Siris님 블로그 보기
- 월간 퍼블릭아트, 2018, 글 천미림
- Light and space are important elements of Jeong’s work. When we perceive actual objects, we rely on the... The static and the dynamic, the seeable and the unseeable; the exploration of the in-between spaces is of course relevant to...
- 정정주 스튜디오님 블로그 보기
- 정은하 전시 서문 ‘꿈꾸는 여행자’ 연작, ‘이미지-추억’을...
- Prologue The latest work of artist Jung Eun-ha takes traveling as the theme. The trip does not only mean ‘physical movement and temporary residence’ that escapes from daily life spaces and leaves in search of spaces in memories or unfamiliar places.
- 정은하 그림이 있는 공간님 블로그 보기