○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 945 건
- [11월 2일-3일] 21세기악회 <2022 창작음악제>
- 2022 New Music Festival 21세기악회 Music Today 21 2022 창작음악제 Day 1 Seminar I 10월 4일 화요일 18:30 / 연세대학교 음악대학 426호 김유환 “작품 '49'를 통한 한국 전통음악어법과의 조화” 최한별 “현대음악...
- 현대문화기획 Contemporary Culture Group님 블로그 보기
- 인순옥 展 | 한벽원 갤러리
- 다섯 번째 개인전을 앞둔 작가의 배추 그림들은 ‘복화술’ 연작이라 할 수 있다.... It is not her first time to show her sense of humor in her work. She has done similar works in cubic clay and...
- 루핀이의 작업실 :)_여행기님 블로그 보기
- 2007년 뉴욕 예술계의 신년 메시지
- 3.The one thing I’d really like is time to do absolutely nothing. It’s been an incredibly busy year for me. It is a good problem to have. 4. My first skateboard was probably the most exciting one. I went out and rode it on the...
- 뉴욕 뉴요커 NewYork NYC님 블로그 보기
- 노인에게는 잠이 보약 ;부작용 없는 보약은 산을 걷는 일...
- which is 4.4 kilometres from my flat, in order to break out of the monotony that comes with... This time, nevertheless, I am forced to climb by myself the right ridge of mountain...
- 최갑순사는이야기님 블로그 보기
- 한국에서 정관 김복진 조각가로부터, 4대에 이르는...
- which is equivalent to today's kitsch art. At the forefront, transitional The 2nd Gyeongju Solo Exhibition by Donan 1983 Leading Harmonism (Harmonisme D'art) style for the first time as a sculptor through the...
- Gyeongju Sculpture Research Institut / Collection님 블로그 보기
- 아마존판 심상옥 시인 시집 'SAFE ZONE' 안전지대
- cry first: It is because he was locked up In silence for a long time, Far away from hearing the gentle spring rain. My hair fluttering in the wind absorbs the moonlight, The sound of spring rain carrying your...
- 심상옥님의블로그님 블로그 보기
- 전재은 인터뷰 Jaeeun Jeon Interview
- 인터뷰 by. 2GIL29 GALLERY 이길이구 갤러리 전재은 (B. 1972) 전재은 작가 © 2GIL29 GALLERY 2021 1. 전재은 작가님은 언제 어떤 계기로 미술을 시작하게 되셨는지요? 미술을 하게 된 계기는 자연스러웠던 것 같습니다....
- 이길이구 갤러리님 블로그 보기
- 색동, 민화의 선과 소재를 기초로 ‘사랑’의 이야기 그려...
- “This is because art is not only about expressing but healing their mental wound by expressing what is ailing them inside. I hope my art class would make them stress-free event just for a short time.” As a mother, she has a...
- 대한민국을 빛낸 인물님 블로그 보기
- 이현배展
- art is easily put. But he does not want to extrapolate between these two. He comes from the latter and has been emerged in the first for some time; they are very different worlds but both present in him and so he has set himself...
- jojako님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- What time is it? 5 do good job 잘 하다 do an excellent job put into 시간을 보내다, 쓰다 put in... for my first solo show 첫번째 개인전을 설치하다 arrange 배열하다 give a hand 도움의...
- 블루워터님 블로그 보기
- 김경희 개인전- 감성의 정원에서 느긋하게 소소하게 보도자료
- To this end, we focused on classical and natural forms of lines and delicate and soft color expressions. I hope that visitors will gain vitality from my works and feel relaxed and comfortable for a long time in...
- 한국화가 김경희 작가 홈페이지님 블로그 보기
- 김상열의 비밀의 정원
- 김상열의 전환점은 2008년 가을, 봉산문화원에서 네 번째 개인전을 가진... What on earth is the identity of this mist? Where's the limit to Kim Seung Oak's rapidly progressed industrialization...
- artist. Kim SangYeoul님 블로그 보기
- 글씨에 바친 38년,전통서각 각자로 빛나다 - 동주 김남두 대표
- "Carrying on one's creative zeal for a long time is practically very difficult for many people as it cannot guarantee a flow of income or a jackpot at once. For this reason, I really would like to say thank my family who...
- 대한민국을 빛낸 인물 & 브랜드 대상님 블로그 보기
- 2012 회장기대회
- time in Korea. It was fun getting to know you all better and also to experience my first competition in five years! I think taking part in competitions teaches one many things and acts as a good stimulus to improve one's own kendo. Obviously losing is...
- 검도여행님 블로그 보기
- Eunyoung Lee Solo Exhibition
- My body is ambivalent. It is the most familiar thing to me, but at the same time, the most unfamiliar... 첫 개인전을 가졌다. 버몬트 스튜디오센터(Vermont Studio Center) 레지던시에...
- CICA 미술관님 블로그 보기