○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 567 건
- 강연미 권도연 2인전
- gap between her uncertain memories and reality. The photograph, characterized by its documentational... 6회의 개인전을 가졌으며, 최근 BODY ALCHEMY(항저우) 전시를 비롯하여 국내외 다수의...
- nook gallery님 블로그 보기
- IMS Culture _ The Mediterranean Culture
- sea between southern Europe and northern Africa. The Mediterranean region is a crossroad of... They traded wood, cloth, dyes, embroideries, wine, and decorative objects; ivory and wood...
- 지중해지역원 Institute for Mediterranean Studies님 블로그 보기
- [갤러리 두인] 유주희 초대전
- object and the spaces they create within one another create yet another interesting story. More significantly however, the way in which these objects interact with one another and with the space that...
- Homo Viator님 블로그 보기
- 2000.9.25_김미경_김구림 인터뷰_현존과 흔적-김구림展...
- 김미경 : 그럼 1958년 첫 개인전 무렵부터 시작해 볼까요? 김구림 : 제가 첫 전시회를 할 무렵은 지금은 없어진 경주의 계림대학 미술과를 다니다가 제대후 대구의 미국 공보관에서 현대미술을 접하고 제가...
- Korean Art Research Institute(KARI)_Kim Mi Kyung님 블로그 보기
- 나점수 임동승
- empty spaces seen in Eastern traditional landscape paintings, and are significant as traces made on the border between figurative and abstract. Perhaps the artist is interested in how meanings are given to objects...
- nook gallery님 블로그 보기
- English Synonyms and Antonyms by James Champlin Fernald
- The distinctions between words similar in meaning are often so fine and elusive as to tax... cloudy spaces, where modern discovery has revealed great lakes, fertile plains, and mighty...
- 성현스토리님 블로그 보기
- 2010년 1월 13일 오후 5시 10분에 저장한 글입니다.
- 아라리오갤러리 개인전 이후 2년 만에 공시네가 개인전을 열었다. 천안 아라리오갤러리 1,2층을 그간의... 그것은 바로 ‘Between’, ‘Steal Life’, ‘Ribbing Room’, ‘Good Morning’ 이라는 작품들이다. 먼저 ‘Between’...
- Art Concept 예술 전문번역님 블로그 보기
- OUT OF THE BOX : 재료의 건축, 건축의 재료...
- 네임리스건축, Between Heaviness and Lightness(무거움과 가벼움 사이) 전벽돌 140장, 유리벽돌 80장... 07-09 2013 자연과 미디어 에뉴알레, 아르코미술관, 서울 2012 구조화된 풍경(개인전)...
- 아트허브 blog님 블로그 보기
- Thomas Struth – Family portraits
- this dialogue. These psychosocial documents hark back to August Sander’s epic... As attentive to architectural surroundings as to people and objects, Struth emphasizes museum-going as...
- Therapeutic Photography님 블로그 보기
- 한강의 작가 정신과 의사 이현권의 사진예술세계
- There are photos, an interview between Lee and me, a delicate criticism of an art critic Kho Chung-Hwan, and an epilog of a poet Park Heekwan to open a new way of appreciating arts as well as his exquisite...
- Bregenz Dreaming님 블로그 보기
- Subway Art Gallery Opening
- We put up 30 placards next to objects in the space (pipes, electrical boxes, signs... This opens the dialogue between the lower spaces of the MTA subway and the upper world where...
- 꿈꾸는 꼬마 배낭 철학자님 블로그 보기
- Contemporary Jewish Museum Extension by Daniel Libeskind
- In dialogue with the historic structure, a striking new form will greet visitors upon their... art, objects, and installations. The ground floor gallery, a 2,500-square-foot exhibition...
- 산다는 건님 블로그 보기
- [전시] 다니엘 보이드: 《보물섬(Treasure Island)...
- institutions, and the ways in which objects accumulate associations as they move between contexts.... Boyd)의 개인전 《보물섬(Treasure Island)》을 개최한다. K1과 K2 공간을 아우르며 신작...
- 대한민국 작가DB 사이트, 뮤움님 블로그 보기
- We don’t know what this is or what it was used for.
- in dialogue with their audience. The Wellcome is literally the richest collection-based... Likely early bespoke surgery tools, so usage considered somewhere between squicky and downright...
- MetaFilter | Community Weblog님 블로그 보기
- Los Ojos verdes" de Gustavo Adolfo Becquer
- in the current, which he passed and passed incessantly before his lost eyes, breaking at the foot of the viewpoint, between the rocks on which the imperial city sits. ¡La Catedral de...
- 잉카님 블로그 보기