○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 567 건
- 주택설계 : 건축디자인 : Casa 2G by Stación-ARquitectura
- the dialogue between the house and the natural light as it evolves throughout the day. Come nightfall, the house opens up its spaces so that the light from the fire can fill us with...
- c2d님 블로그 보기
- 정보영_엠마뉴엘 울프스展 / 2019_0207 ▶︎ 2019_0329
- 각자의 개인전에 담았다. 잉크 드로잉으로 확장하며 수묵추상 작업에... ● In this joint exhibition, both artists create a dialogue between different mediums and their individual...
- 규방칠우님 블로그 보기
- Seminar reading - Ahmed
- closer dialogue with phenomenology. ... I hope to offer a new way of thinking about the... between objects that extend into space (say, the relation between the chair and the table)...
- 100년의 미술사 서재님 블로그 보기
- The Rise and Fall of the English Sentence
- This FPP is a moderator's home turf and given how rare moderated spaces and their practical... It feels like the substantive difference between using (possibly several) relative clauses...
- MetaFilter | Community Weblog님 블로그 보기
- [전시] 이기봉: Where You Stand / 국제갤러리 서울,부산
- Seoul and Busan spaces. Working across painting and installation, Rhee continues his long interest in... 국제갤러리는 오는 2022년 11월 17일부터 12월 31일까지 이기봉의 개인전 《Where You...
- 대한민국 작가DB 사이트, 뮤움님 블로그 보기
- Classical liberalism vs. The New Right
- You may or may not agree with those intellectual moves, but many common premises still are shared between the classical liberals and the New Right, even if neither side is fully...
- Marginal REVOLUTION - Small Steps Toward A Much Better World님 블로그 보기
- [전시] Open Surface
- 다수의 개인전과 그룹전을 개최했다. 또한 스맥 멜론 펠로우쉽(Smack Mellon Studio... institutions, and office spaces in many cultures. In 2015 for Song's first solo exhibition "Intervals...
- 대한민국 작가DB 사이트, 뮤움님 블로그 보기
- Prospectus draft (10/28)
- place and constantly entangle, especially between the two consecutive modifiers... bodies and split spaces into the global and local, thereby dismantling the lateral connections among...
- 100년의 미술사 서재님 블로그 보기
- bobos in ikea | MetaFilter
- how objects and spaces act as cultural signifiers or influence the construction of our... Says Taylor, "With its sleek, minimalist aesthetic and perfect, gleaming dialogue, the...
- MetaFilter | Community Weblog님 블로그 보기
- [백남준&부퍼탈] <21장> 죽어가는 '서양미술', '비디오'로 살리다
- Painting directly onto the television set (“General Electric”, 2005) seen with the videotape and the TV set joined with texts and objects (“Chinese Memory”, 2005, pp. 107–09 and 111) creates a multitextual treatment of...
- '오마이 김형순, 아트뉴스[Art Blog]'님 블로그 보기
- The Role of Media to Promote Cultural Diversity
- potential objects and victims of globalization. One of the great challenges of... We have to build bridges among international media and promote dialogue and exchanges of ideas. In fact...
- 배피디의 글로벌 프로듀싱님 블로그 보기
- nicolas bouriaud
- actions and objects. Art (The end of ) 'The end of art' only exists in an idealistic view... into dialogue [ Could I exist, and how, in the space it defines?] A form is more or less...
- astra6님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- [백남준] '유라시아 시대', 목포-> 베를린/부산->런던
- 나의 예술적 고향(My Artistic Heimat) 백남준 개인전이 서울 이촌동 백해영 갤러리(관장 백해영) 주관으로 목포 오거리 문화센터에서6월 27일까지 열린다. 이번 전 기획은 백남준 독일시절에 정통한 김순준 BS...
- '오마이 김형순, 아트뉴스[Art Blog]'님 블로그 보기
- Prospectus draft (10/27)
- the spaces of the global and local, thereby dismantling complex connections between... minimalist objects as a corrupting force to the present-ness of art, a Kantian apperceptive...
- 100년의 미술사 서재님 블로그 보기
- Prospectus draft (10/29)
- distinction between original and copy. Since postmodern criticism serves as a powerful critique of documentary realism’s attachment to the referent or its literary potential to...
- 100년의 미술사 서재님 블로그 보기