○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 3,166 건
- 휴고는 한류와 K팝의 붐을 타고 전국투어로 관광과 한식을 즐긴다
- And with many of those hooked on K-pop coming from younger generations, the only way is up for its popularity. It’s an exciting time to be here. And Seoul, which has a population of 10 million out of the...
- 산비둘기 둥지트는 그곳...님 블로그 보기
- March 13 update :: HMBR and Co.
- photo: getty images TikTok v Congress Last week a stern pop-up message interrupted American... A new exhibition at the Garden Museum in London shows how Monet turned the garden into a...
- HMBR and Co. :: HMBR and Co.님 블로그 보기
- Studio Ghibli Layout Exhibition
- This Exhibition is held at Seoul Art Center. The price is a little burdensome to students.I could see... souvenir shop was selling the postcards, stationery, dolls.I like pop-up card, most of them I recommended...
- for assignment님 블로그 보기
- Kim Kim Gallery blog: Kim Kim Lecture & Talk: Clemens...
- Gallery, Seoul Hello. My name is Clemens Krümmel. I am talking to you from Berlin… the... exhibition across the street, across the web. The talk was between two North American art...
- Kim Kim Gallery blog님 블로그 보기
- British Citizenship Test 오답노트 1 - 17
- David Hockney was an important contributor to the ‘pop art’ movement of the 1960s and... In 1851, the Great Exhibition opened in Hyde Park in the Crystal Palace, a huge building...
- Et tout le reste님 블로그 보기
- Lehmann Maupin
- Pop-Up 601 East Hyman Avenue, Suite 201 Opening July 1 We’re partnering with Carpenters Workshop Gallery on a new seasonal exhibition space that will act as a curatorial platform for art and...
- jojako님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 지희킴 「기억의 정원」 @갤러리밈 M'cube(4F)
- BLACKLOT ART WEEK, 서울옥션 강남센터, 서울 Unbox My Box, 장디자인아트, 서울 Puzzle... Galleria Pop Up, Nineone Hannam, Seoul, KR Art For Green, KEPCO Art Centre, Seoul, KR Pith of Cake, Korean...
- 갤러리밈 GalleryMEME님 블로그 보기
- 김현정 개인전 REBIRTH 가나아트스페이스 2013.4.17-4.23
- A butterfly can fly ten thousands kilometer with very week wings. Where this power comes from? That is maybe... of Art & Design, Graduate School, Sangmyung Univ. ◪ Solo Exhibition_ 10times (Seoul, Ham Pyung, Tokyo, Beijing...
- CK. ART SPACE 씨케이 아트 스페이스님 블로그 보기
- 23일 토요일 전시 오픈합니다. 토이리퍼블릭 / 커먼그라운드...
- Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea [ Events ] ▶ ‘BLAST’ (알타임죠 x 킬드런) with 김건주 3rd Live Painting... http://toyrepublic.org #토이리퍼블릭 #ToyRepublic #art #artist #pop #팝 #culture #platform #Exhibition...
- 일러스트레이터 성낙진(NJ Sung) 블로그님 블로그 보기
- [ARIRANG TV] 아리랑TV 'HEART TO HEART' 토크쇼 프로그램...
- [ARIRANG TV] 아리랑TV 'HEART TO HEART' 토크쇼 프로그램_2018년 02월 05일 안녕하세요. 한국화가 김현정입니다. 제가 며칠 전, Arirang TV 'Heart to Heart' 라는 토크쇼 프로그램에 출연 했었는데요. 혹시...
- 김현정 작가의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 영어 일기 쓰고 Chat GPT로 첨삭 받기 10. 친구와...
- After a long time, I went to the art museum with my friend to see an art exhibition. "for a while"은... South Korea's lanscape such as Seoul Arts Center, Han River, Seonyudo Park was touched by her hands....
- 파우더블루의 완벽한 하루님 블로그 보기
- IELTS Speaking | 아이엘츠 스피킹 파트 1 연습 질문 - 취미
- I think, unconsciously, I turned to art as a way to cope. I went to musicals almost every day and made a list of every exhibition happening in Seoul, South Korea, regardless of whether it was a...
- Melbourne, VIC 3000님 블로그 보기
- 材料 魅了 재료 매료 :: Painting & Mixed Media (2013....
- Asia Pop Art 展, 국민은행 Gold&Wise, 서울 2010 material & sensation, 인사아트센터, 서울 2009 Korea... Emotion_Humanity_Seoul, 세종문화회관 미술관, 서울 2006 Wake up Andy Warhol, 갤러리 쌈지, 서울...
- 아트허브 blog님 블로그 보기
- 2012부산비엔날레 특별전 'Outside of Garden'
- an exhibition “it’s me” with a book art group <Book Mind> in Seoul, South Korea <인사말> 기획자는 이번 부산비엔날레의 공통주제 <배움의 정원>을 ‘공간’그리고 전시가 진행되는 ‘부산 지역’으로...
- 사진바다님 블로그 보기
- [Atlantic PHOTO] Photos of the Week: Monster Dog Pull...
- # Michael Probst / AP Aerial view of a Mariachi band performing during an exhibition tennis... the week. # Tolga Akmen / AFP / Getty A man looks at the art piece "Mossgirl with Silvered...
- blueload487님의 블로그님 블로그 보기