○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 455 건
- [세인트 주드 선수권 제1~2일] 스펀 -11, 스트라카, 메릿 -10...
- 갔다가 분당의 金敎授를 만나서 아내의 가방을 받고 집에 왔는데 거의... enjoy all the little things that come along with that great tradition,” Spaun said. “Hopefully...
- 조선닷컴 골프카페 매니저의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 權義鐵의 단색화- flatness & repeatability - 김효선...
- It is based on the oriental view of nature, to return to the nature. So the Dansaekhwa of Euichul Kwon also... I find the motive at the historical things to be became in wind and frost by old dates. My sense of beauty...
- (社)國展作家協會님 블로그 보기
- 임현락 展
- 2021 오산시립미술관 특별기획전 임현락 展 1초 수묵 - '백(白)으로 날다' ONE SECOND... transformation in the form of the work. The artist is already familiar with these things. He has been...
- illuststory 동화일러스트학원님 블로그 보기
- 2018 MANIF - flatness & repeatability -the thought...
- It is based on the oriental view of nature, to return to the nature. So the Dansaekhwa of... to all-over composition. It is 20th century that accept the repeatability method in the pure...
- (社)國展作家協會님 블로그 보기
- 나무-대화의 화가 안말환
- 갤러리율전관(분당) Gallery Space-DA(Beijing) 성남아트센터미술관(분당)... Mother Nature, the Tree of Life, and eternity. The Mirunamu, which is grown up in the country field at the grandmother's home of...
- 에이미의 행복한그림이야기님 블로그 보기
- Nagative Landscape 2
- Nature tries to include all things and harmonize them by showing tolerance toward Man and Civilization changing itself in the form of living on human body. Namely, it makes even a convenience made by man part...
- 안원태 수묵화님 블로그 보기
- [2011년 4월] 이승오 폐책(廢冊)에서 ‘종이결 풍경’ 으로
- The visual flexibility watching things with renewed sight rejects the fixed way of looking and approaches the material, paper, as a real object in nature. His specific feature is there. He contributed to advance...
- 왕부자님 블로그 보기
- 200406
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr... learnt in their natural lives before coming to Christ; things that aren’t consistent with the Christ-nature. Those...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 윤정숙, 콜라주의 연금술
- So, her collage approaches us as 'living and moving life' in the nature. Investigating more into Yun... Furthermore, the Surrealists emphasized the heterogeneous combination of quite unexpected things or their...
- 김복기의 Art 25시님 블로그 보기
- 200926
- Notice the expression, “And ye are complete in Him….” This means all of divinity resides in you as it does Jesus. No wonder Peter calls us “Associates of the God-kind”; partakers of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4)...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 김동현 개인전-안양문화예술재단 예, 술, 도, 가 선정전시...
- Endless Divine Proportion 김동현展 / KIMDONGHYUN / 金東炫 / mixed media 2015_1223 ▶ 2016_0131 / 월요일 휴관 김동현_Divine Propotion prototype No.2_ 스틸+알루미늄, 아두이노, 피에조 센서, DC 모터_150×145×150cm_2015 ● 위 이미지를...
- 김동현작가의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 아이디어 제안을 위해 카카오톡 본사에 가보다...
- Communication with, for example, diet, state and acquaintances is something that suits the nature of a human being, regardless of nationality. However, it cannot be said that Chinese characters are included in all...
- 꿈꾸는 문제아의 행복한 일상님 블로그 보기
- 200318
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr... The latter part of 2 Corinthians 5:17 in NKJV says, “…behold, all things have become new.” God wants you to see...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- (2010 Sep) Gary Wolf - the Quantified Self
- data in nature, the ubiquitous computing that allows that data to be understood and used, and of course the... it's not even most things. The self is just our operation center, our consciousness, our moral compass. So...
- Impossible is Nothing님 블로그 보기
- [작가의 외출] 展 곽수영, 권혁, 김소형. 김지혜, 김지희, 나안나...
- [작가의 외출] 展 곽수영, 권혁, 김소형. 김지혜, 김지희, 나안나, 박소라, 변연미, 심봉민, 유선태... 2014 Nature DMZ, 박수근미술관, 강원도 2013 Energyscape, 세브란스 아트 스페이스, 서울 2011 Grasp the...
- 한국사진방송 공식블로그님 블로그 보기