○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 3,166 건
- 'KIAF2012' 갤러리 자인제노 (2012.9.13.목-9.17.월)
- A in Fine art KyungHee Univ. Korea ․ 2003개인전 (서울) - 2003 Solo Exhibition (Seoul) . 2006아트대전... 갤러리 (분당) 2010 갤러리 케레스타기획초대전(서울) 2008 N 갤러리(분당) 2008 FYR 갤러리...
- 갤러리 자인제노님 블로그 보기
- Vietnamese Culture on behalf of 2022 Culture Bridge...
- Asian pop culture. as a center for Asian mass cultural exchange. Vietnamese Cultural Experience Center for visitors. (Source: Ngoc Quang Nguyen) Up to now, the Vietnam Tourism-Cultural...
- 한-아세안센터 블로그님 블로그 보기
- Articles for Oct. 2nd week : Oct. 13th(Interpretation)
- 2nd week : Oct. 13th(Interpretation) Economist Reading-Discussion Cafe : 다음카페... ■ China | The fear of falling Worries of a Soviet-style collapse keep Xi Jinping up at night...
- imp10님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- Pop artists make splash in Seoul
- The other pop art exhibition is at the Seoul Museum of Art featuring works by Andy Warhol. More than... "The wig is a symbol of how Warhol liked to cover up. The man used camouflage. Outside, he was Andy...
- Min님 블로그 보기
- 서울디자인2022 디자인을 통해 소통하는 시민축제 글로벌...
- [디자인전시 Design Exhibition] 주제전시: BEAUTIFUL LIFE - 장소: 아트홀1관 (Art Hall 1) 디자인 트렌드... Pop Up, F&B] 1) 디자인기업 굿즈 마켓 장소: 어울림 광장 + 아트홀 복도 Oullim Square + Corridor of Art...
- 두 돌 아기랑 함께하는 여행✈️님 블로그 보기
- 마리아 반델(1977-), 첫 한국 개인 전,오는 11월 17일부터 한...
- Gallery, Seoul “Night Glow”, 30 new works, popup exhibition, Larsbjørnsstræde 20 “Not Keeping... Martch Art Project, Istanbul “Rewild Tokyo”, Gallery Nicolai Bergmann, Tokyo 2021 “Rewild”...
- imagekim님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 제1회 중국심천국제시민사진축제-한국사진가 김옥선,오윤경...
- in Seoul Photo exhibition - Silver Prize in LA International Collection - Artwork Selected in Korea International... Solo Exhibition : 2015. 11 『 또 다른 희망(Another Dream) 』 (할렐루야갤러리, 분당) 2015. 10 『 또 다른...
- 하얀나무님 블로그 보기
- Week first reading - Peter Kalb
- York art scene, such as "Stars Arts Exhibition" (1979) in China or the "Volumen" generation... introducing the case of Pop art's reliable market value in the art market (15); the rise...
- 100년의 미술사 서재님 블로그 보기
- Week sixth 1
- in a very pop culture; a strange sense of obligation that one should not touch the bed... the idea of public exhibition at the center of contemporary art; but these artists were showing...
- 100년의 미술사 서재님 블로그 보기
- draw-iN
- Works Exhibition 2008 갤러리 나우, 2nd New & Now Exhibition-디지털 나비효과 2008 서울시립미술관... Action Week, 홍콩 Art Beijing Extension, 헤이차오 스튜디오1호, 베이징 Seoul Photo 2009, COEX, 서울 2008...
- 사진바다님 블로그 보기
- [리뷰&기사] 라흐 2~ 황제 & 쇼튀드
- bringing art to the masses. The issue I am bringing up is not just being able to watch Yunchan Lim, but... 사진: 스콧 수치먼 What a roller coaster week: the National Symphony musicians went on strike...
- ON THE TERRACE님 블로그 보기
- Bringing K-Pop to the West
- Seoul, the training began at 1 p.m. each day. Electric music throbbed through a glass-and-steel studio and managers yelled encouragement as the women danced for 10 to 12 hours, seven days a week, for up...
- 노총각의 홀로나기 (유목민의 길)님 블로그 보기
- Lehmann Maupin
- Rachel Lehmann, co-founder of Lehmann Maupin: “After our first pop-up in summer 2020, we are thrilled to be back in Aspen and in the heart of town right next to the Aspen Art Museum....
- jojako님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- Week second reading - Peter Kalb 2
- and Pop art, and into the 1980s"; frequently noted members, including Warhol and Richter... London exhibition by thirty-eight white men, with negligible involvement from women or non...
- 100년의 미술사 서재님 블로그 보기
- [옐로우코너][프로모션] POP CULTURE / 팝 컬쳐 / 팝아트...
- new exhibition Pop Culture, opening up an expressive space for new creations from Pop culture. YellowKorner here presents works somewhere between photography and pictural art, all playing with classical codes...
- 사진갤러리 [옐로우코너_YellowKorner]님 블로그 보기