○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 949 건
- 혜화아트센터 초대전 Land + Coexistence 대지 + 공생...
- spending time in contact with the earth, holds great significance for me. My journey as a novice farmer is also part of this experience. - At the Sosa Studio - Symbiosis / 60 x 60cm / Drawing, Wood Panel...
- 혜화아트센터님 블로그 보기
- 안희진 개인전 [Happiness That I Draw]
- This exhibition, running from April 3 to April 22, 2023, features newly unveiled works available for viewing offline for the first time. We hope the exhibition offers you an opportunity to confront and embrace...
- swingwhite님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- Where is this place, What is that? Who are you!」 @갤러리밈...
- 마난 개인전 @갤러리밈 M'cube(3F) • 여 어데고, 거 언젠데? 니 누꼬! Where is this place... is this place, What is that? Who are you! The audience interprets me through my paintings, and the...
- 갤러리밈 GalleryMEME님 블로그 보기
- 이경준 사진전, ONE STEP AWAY
- One Step Away 'Photograph is just hobby, I won't make it my profession', says artist Lee Kyung-Jun. His... all this time. Thanks to the empathy of people, his first solo exhibition was opened and extended until...
- Architectural disenchantment님 블로그 보기
- [On View] MY Q 마이큐 개인전 <Soft Slam>, 2023. 5.13- 6.10
- Through this exhibition, MY Q aims to showcase the story of his artistic growth throughout a repetitive... everything is the first time. By his unique sensibility and vibrant colors, he entrusts the intuitive...
- 이길이구 갤러리님 블로그 보기
- Dehara Yukinori 개인전 - Pink: Why is the world full...
- It brought a fresh shock to first time viewers in many ways. For those viewers and Korean fans who have been waiting silently, this is truly welcoming news. Dehara's works are far from the systematic and standard...
- 에브리데이몬데이님 블로그 보기
- 김은형, 시간의 파동
- 김은형이 한국에서 첫 개인전을 열었다. ‘기억의 색’이라는 주제를 내걸고 회화... 1) In a series of works such as Space Invader, Bystander, This Is My Sister, Post It, Street, A Wash Place, and...
- 김복기의 Art 25시님 블로그 보기
- 심영철 설치미술가 Youngchurl Shim - Kiaf Seoul 2024
- As such, for the first time in Korea, she is creating a multi-sensory (visual, auditory, tactile... This means that my life is my own work, and my life and emotions are molten into the themes of my solo...
- GALLERY SOHEON & SOHEON Contemporary _Since 1991님 블로그 보기
- 신종식 개인전<Beyond the Time-Image of Line and...
- the Time-Image of Line and Indicative Sign By Lee Bong-soon, Theoretician of Fine Arts & Doctor of Plastic Art Studies In Shin Jong-shik’s work there is vast nature and the landscapes he traveled. This nature, however, is...
- CSP111 ARTSPACE님 블로그 보기
- #3418 나는 누구인가? - 小金剛(소금강) salt river
- with my juniors who built a herd of cattle a few decades ago, but I can't remember it, so it feels like the first time I've been there. The name of the village in this area is Samsan-ri, which is connected to...
- 부녀문답 - 나는 누구인가 (Who am I?)님 블로그 보기
- 광주전시회 광주시립미술관 광주비엔날레 <시천여민侍天與民...
- By its very nature, photography is constrained to capturing present moments, which limits its ability to reconstruct... Medicine, is both a former citizen soldier who defended the provincial government office of South Jeolla Province during...
- 비두리님 블로그 보기
- 우정수 개인전 《Where Is My Voice》
- 9 cm 두산갤러리 서울에서는 작가 우정수의 개인전 《Where Is My Voice》를 2020년... in this exhibition is the fact that fabric is a medium used for the first time by the artist. Using...
- 사진바다님 블로그 보기
- [KCDF 갤러리 전시] 류지상 개인전 Unforgettable...
- of my presence. Eventually, the artist is being existed in somewhere of San Francisco because architecture stores time in that way. The artist looks forward those audiences who face this artworks experience to see and...
- 한국공예·디자인문화진흥원님 블로그 보기
- 권부문 개인전 - "떨어지는 물"
- 권부문 개인전 떨어지는 물 2018.3.8 - 4.21 플라워스 갤러리, 뉴욕 BOOMOON... Skogar is a second series of photographs, developed from the same body of water, this time...
- 사진바다님 블로그 보기
- "What art you thinking?" -신영훈 개인전 in Sanghai / 수묵화...
- "What art you thinking?" 신영훈 개인전 2018.9.8~10.4 Noeli Gallery in Sanghai Personal Interview... S: I have visited in shanghai a few times, yet, this is my first time to exhibit and introduce my artwork in...
- 동양화가-신영훈Blog님 블로그 보기