○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 566 건
- Metropolitan Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art.
- 1 - Jean Lescure -Les Noyers The dialogue between the East and the West intensified... “ready-made objects” 19. Printed newspaper thus plays an important role in the reflections of...
- Birth from disappearance _ Byung so, Choi님 블로그 보기
- 갤러리이즈 공존-근대를 지나 미래를 거닐다
- 갤러리이즈 공존-근대를 지나 미래를 거닐다 인사동 갤러리 이즈가 2주년 기념전으로 공존-근대를 지나 미래를 거닐다 전시를 열고 있다. 한국근현대 작가의 작품을 만나는 전시다. 장욱진 나무위의...
- 재디의 영어 수업과 일상 리뷰이야기님 블로그 보기
- Philippe Parreno / 필립 파레노
- A Manifestation of Objects, WATARI-UM, Tokyo (2019-20); Elsewhen, Espace Louis Vuitton... Philippe Parreno creates artworks that question the boundaries between reality and fiction...
- @enjoyartsue님 블로그 보기
- [번역]폐렴(Pneumonia)
- Typically symptoms include some combination of productive or dry cough, chest pain, fever, and trouble breathing. Severity is variable. Pneumonia is usually caused by infection with viruses or bacteria and...
- 굴뚝새님의블로그님 블로그 보기
- on Exile and other literary and cultural essays'
- the objects of the imperial gaze, so to speak, respond by resisting their forcible... exchange and dialogue between them. p. 583 Two other recent seminal works of cultural analysis are...
- 心心님 블로그 보기
- Travellers 展, 해외 신진 작가 초대전
- new dialogue from their subconscious thoughts, ideas and experiences. Their surreal, and often dream... objects, to explore the shadows and to consider new possibilities. These liminal spaces between...
- H Contemporary Gallery님 블로그 보기
- <White Veil> by Lim anna
- We had a long dialogue with her about the immense subject occupying a large part of her... involving objects and spaces, and thereby, begin to do an interplay between my memory and...
- Lim Anna/임안나님 블로그 보기
- [서면전시회/부산전시회]BYULIL_작가로 일어나다. 김지영...
- communication between nature and human, and purely as existence. The spirit of its existence heals the wound... 김지영개인전 Go on the road - 길을 가다/ LAYERED 레이어드 (Busan) 2020 김지영초대전 Heading towards...
- 스페이스 별일님 블로그 보기
- Lepp allots herself precisely 49 days to write and self...
- fiddly and dull business of moving characters between scenes and making sure they behave in... artistic spaces and processes of creation. it's value-neutral but intimidatingly robust...
- MetaFilter | Community Weblog님 블로그 보기
- before and after 권정호 작가 상해미술관 개인전...
- humanity and true nature in an abstract manner without definite objects. If his theme tried... or 'dialogue between intellectual existence and emotional existence'. On the other hand, the...
- '정훈장교'의 Art Loving Days !님 블로그 보기
- 정연민展 2011.12.28 -2012.1.3 토포하우스 개인전...
- time and in different spaces; this could be an ascetic action to include in memory the evidence that piles up between the wrinkles of time. Yeon-Min Chung says, ‘Life is a line’ Lines remind me of long hours of...
- e4art님의블로그님 블로그 보기
- 간호사의 Professionalism
- " to open dialogue during rounding. 33. Communication technique - Clarification - For... Prehypertension = systolic BP between 120-139 mm Hg and diastolic BP between 80-89 mm Hg. 117....
- 영국간호사님 블로그 보기
- 상해미술관 개인전... Art Museum and the before and after
- 권정호_ 중국 상해미술관 개인전(2005)과 그 전후 / Jung-Ho, Kwon_ Solo Exhibition at Shang Hai Art... lines and spaces. He who pursues intentionally oriental artistic soul will have an great effect on artistic...
- '정훈장교'의 Art Loving Days !님 블로그 보기
- 갤러리몸 초대전_임종엽 작가_작품소개 및 평론
- Between breath and breath. It's hidden. All objects that are conceived for work always have a beginning and an end... 11 DDP / 2018 대한민국 미술문화 축전 2000 - 2018 개인전 6회 / 단체전 및 교류전 36회 2016.12.5...
- 갤러리몸 Gallery MoM (아트가이드 손비야)님 블로그 보기
- 10월, CODE DATA ART [보이드갤러리, 대봉정] 2021Project V
- 뿔난늑대 : 관계와 태도 (일러스트, 회화 개인전) 09. 공진화: 동물과 인간의... David Mrugala (Germany) is an architect and intermedia artist who responds to locations and spaces to create...
- VØID GALLERY님 블로그 보기