○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 566 건
- Lee Mae Lee's Deconstruction of Minimal Art: Robert C....
- interface between the photographs and objects that vibrates within the space of the... geometric objects had not yet found a critical dialogue. Through the process of deconstructing the...
- Lee Maelee님 블로그 보기
- 허샤우시엔 인터뷰 (2013)
- Shanghai and we had similar brothel spaces here. We heard about them often from the older... studies and archaeological objects. You could spend a great deal of time trying to understand...
- 현재님 블로그 보기
- 왜 나는 저속함이 좋을까? 저속함 속의 아름다움...
- Line Between Vulgarity and Offensiveness The Double Standard of Vulgarity for Different Genders The... In ancient Rome, for example, crude graffiti and phallic symbols were commonly found in public spaces. The...
- Ai Art KS님 블로그 보기
- 무수갤러리 ‘끌림의 법칙 : 미끌림과 이끌림’
- 주요 개인전 2020 Nomal things, 밤부갤러리, 서울. 대한민국 2014 Dream catcher, 인사아트센터, 서울.... (Image_between History and Human being)토탈미술관 2018.10.20 - 11.18 / New Dialogue 제 5회...
- 한국사진방송 공식블로그님 블로그 보기
- 버지니아 울프에 관하여
- family and their visits to the Isle of Skye in Scotland between 1910 and 1920. Following... little dialogue and almost no direct action; most of it is written as thoughts and...
- piaoming2002님의블로그님 블로그 보기
- 2025 수능특강영어독해(1-12강) 한줄해석
- the dialogue it is clear that Socrates wholeheartedly agreed with the king of Egypt and thought that the availability of books made students lazy and discouraged them from properly studying. “만약 인간이...
- The•K 더케이 영어학원님 블로그 보기
- Class Leading Session Reading - Kyla Wazana Tompkins...
- beef, and ginger with objects of an unspoken desire for black or foreign bodies. Sex sold... —shut down the performative space between child and thing and insisted they were one and...
- 100년의 미술사 서재님 블로그 보기
- Muxin design and research studio, Shanghai – China
- office spaces a colosseum of power. Every image of space emerges from the matrix of social activities and relations it contains, namely the interaction among people, objects and the...
- 건강 / 디자인 / 트렌드님 블로그 보기
- 남경민展
- +82.2.519.0800 www.galleryhyundai.com Walking on the mindscape - 남경민의 회화 ● 남경민은 2005년 개인전 이후... the objects that accompany symbolism and allegory, and most of all, the tension given by absence and silence. Homage to the...
- jojako님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- Do You Have Any Idea? :: Various (2019. 05. 01 ~ 2019....
- Painting 개인전 및 2인전 2017 Spektrum-Art, Science and Community, “LOBSTAPORN,” a... A Dialogue with the Performance Artist" interview with Go! Push Pops. 2012 Whitehot Magazine, “The...
- 아트허브 blog님 블로그 보기
- Modernity - Postmodernity - General observation by the...
- unimagined objects and new ways of seeing them." (originally) In late 20th century... In the years after 1900 mass-produced visual imagery proliferated throughout city spaces and in the...
- 100년의 미술사 서재님 블로그 보기
- Jean Nouvel | National Museum of Qatar, Qatar
- pride and traditions of Qatar’s people while offering international visitors a dialogue... areas and spaces for the Museum’s programs of tours and garden lectures. Exhibitions and...
- TYPS.Lab님 블로그 보기
- [금천예술공장 5기 입주작가] 임유리_Yim Yuri
- 졸업 개인전 2011 S2, 플랫폼플레이스629, 서울 2009 섹셔놀림픽, 클럽오백, 서울... unnamed objects and their contexts. A clandestine relationship between personified things arises at this...
- 금천예술공장 Seoul Art Space GEUMCHEON님 블로그 보기
- 간호학, 간호사, 전문직- 의학, 의사와 대비되는 상황에서...
- Within cultural studies, cultural objects are also 'texts' that have meaning, as well as... relationship between power, knowledge, and subjectivity. (Arslanian-Engoren, 2002)...
- OvercomeWest님 블로그 보기
- Metropolitan Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art.
- 1 - Jean Lescure -Les Noyers The dialogue between the East and the West intensified... “ready-made objects” 19. Printed newspaper thus plays an important role in the reflections of...
- Birth from disappearance _ Byung so, Choi님 블로그 보기