○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 566 건
- Situations Conference Proceeding (1/31)
- structure between citizens and migrants, clandestinely forming race relations in the... with and/or include the body of the performer and audiences, including “material objects...
- 100년의 미술사 서재님 블로그 보기
- [Artist Interview] 전재은 작가 인터뷰 | Interview by...
- 지난 2020년 이길이구 갤러리에서의 ‘Les Lieux Privés 사적인 장소들’ 개인전을... Old railing Stairs and small aisle of subterranean spaces, old walls and rectangular forms such as rooms and...
- 이길이구 갤러리님 블로그 보기
- [Reading] 모노즈쿠리(Monozukuri ; ものブくリ) : LG...
- Some forms that architecture theory takes are the lecture or dialogue, the treatise or book, and the... Probably written between 27 and 23 BCE,[1] it is the only major contemporary source on classical architecture...
- 서버를 찾지 못하였습니다.님 블로그 보기
- [전시 리뷰] Hamburger Bahnhof / _Alexandra Pirici...
- in dialogue with the presentation of Beuys’ works in the collection. Naama Tsabar (b. 1982, lives and works in New York) reveals hidden spaces and systems in her interactive works, re-defining gendered...
- 윤정원의 장독대님 블로그 보기
- 메타버스 정의, 메타버스 동맹, 메타버스 공모전, 필자생각
- avatars and, in addition to socializing, could purchase objects and services using the virtual... 2014 – VRChat was launched as a social VR platform that enables users to publish 3D spaces and avatars...
- 어야오야님 블로그 보기
- WHITE WINTER :: Various (2013. 11. 20 ~ 2013. 12. 27)
- 주요 개인전 2010 “Domestic Era", 갤러리 선 컨템포러리, 서울 2008 “Dreaming Objects... 갤러리, 분당 2010 “Moments in Between", 벤쿠버 뮤지엄. 벤쿠버, 캐나다 2009 “couple", 신세계...
- 아트허브 blog님 블로그 보기
- work hard and be nice to people: It All, Indefinite Article...
- This begins with the excess of dis-identificatory self-reference in creative dialogue with... another and become objects, there is the chance of becoming aware of our own culture of...
- work hard and be nice to people님 블로그 보기
- New Acropolis Museum by Bernard Tschumi Architects
- a dialogue between the Museum’s exhibition spaces and the Acropolis buildings. Tschumi... With approximately 4,000 objects, of which at least 300 are considered major masterpieces...
- cdmswn님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 2012 대학원 고급설계 참고 Designing Workspaces for...
- constant dialogue between the vision and materials to build a more complex, sophisticated... spaces that offer a theme of surprise. A paradoxical use of material or reuse of objects for...
- Archjeon님 블로그 보기
- 박 현 주 展
- to spaces and behaviors of surrounding objects. The boundary between color and light is blurred, and... 서양화졸업 개인전 22회 2019 제22회 개인전 “색에서 빛으로”/가나포럼스페이스...
- 후아 전중관의 그림과 글 세상님 블로그 보기
- 코리안아티스트프로젝트 2017년 참여작가 박기진 - 가상전시...
- between its division and post-unification era, experiencing the air-raid shelters built underground there during World War II. In videos, he has captured silent walks through the endless maze of spaces connecting...
- Total Museum of Contemporary Art님 블로그 보기
- Fourth Week Reading
- relationship between publicity and status; his theater is not sufficient for a genuine... On the one hand, they function as spaces of withdrawal and regroupment; on the other, they also...
- 100년의 미술사 서재님 블로그 보기
- Abbreviated note on Sekula 2
- 55, Spring 2014 This is an excerpt from "Conversation with Photographers: Allan Sekula with Carles Guerra" "The formal tension within and between some of Sekula's photographs ... Black...
- 100년의 미술사 서재님 블로그 보기
- Request for requests
- You just have to read between the lines. Jerald 2020-05-15 08:16:17 0 0 # Economic mobility... potential' - and how resources should respond to this at school, post-school, pre-career...
- Marginal REVOLUTION - Small Steps Toward A Much Better World님 블로그 보기
- BIG [비아이지] :: Superkilen (A New Urban Space in...
- urban spaces that work as promoters for integration across ethnicity, religion, culture and languages. Everyday objects 57 objects from 57 cultures are considered as a mean for...
- G.LAB* :: 정철오 교수의 디자인 의사소통 블로그님 블로그 보기