○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 245 건
- 200315
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr... In John 20:21, Jesus said, “…peace be unto you. As my Father had sent me even so send I you.” Notice that He...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 안나錄 435501
- # 안건 1) 조선공화국정부 반환운동 : 체계적으로 국제문제 해결 - 국제연합과 관련된 국제사법재판소 - 샌프란시스코조약발효중 (Scapin 1757 special status nations korea) 2) 조선정전협정 : 조선연합통수부...
- 코리아 황실(Empire of KOREA)의 역사론님 블로그 보기
- [하와이사립초등학교학비] [하와이사립학교유학] 미국...
- bless you and your families with an abundance of love, joy, health, and peace. God Bless... Mary, Star of the Sea School Hawaii 문의 - 리딩유학원 분당 031 704 7130 강남 02 567 7130
- 미국어학연수,어디까지 생각해봤니?님 블로그 보기
- 210506
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr... Before you go out, get filled with the Spirit. Soak your spirit more in the Holy Spirit through fellowship. Pray and fast...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 200123
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr... dominion, peace and joy evermore, and rule your world with the authority He’s given you. PRAYER Dear heavenly Father...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 최효진의 세상이야기
- 판교,분당,과천처럼 강남이랑 가깝고 교통 좋은지역 외에 지하철도 저멀리 있거나 있어도... Thank you Dan for honoring Ms. Tina Turner. She was an inspiration for sure. May she rest in peace, a strong, courageous...
- 시대 정신을 찾아서님 블로그 보기
- 200323
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr... oneness with Christ. Beyond recognizing who you are in Christ, your inheritance and heritage in Him, you must affirm them...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 211028
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr... but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost” (Romans 14:17). It’s about the joy you have in Him through...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 211205
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr... contact with the infected man; rather, He cured the infection! That’s the kind of person you should emulate. That’s...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 211127
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr... at peace. Once, Zerah, the Ethiopian King, invaded Judah with an army of a million men and three hundred chariots. Asa...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 211128
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr... you’re filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and discernment. Hallelujah! PRAYER Dear Father, I’m...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 210228
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr... and you’ll have His extraordinary results. CONFESSION Blessed be God! My words are divine, infused with power to change...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 211022
- He’ll bring about prosperity, success, peace and victory where poverty, failure, defeat or destruction had been intended. Hallelujah! Every so often, declare, “Father, I thank you in the Name of Jesus; I offer thanks...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 210613
- where you work. Pray that they refuse to yield to negative influences that could stir them to wickedness; rather, they rule with justice and equity, righteousness and truth. Amen. PRAYER Dear Father, I pray for leaders in my...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기
- 201108
- kr ♥그리스도 대사들 교회(분당교회)http://afcc.kr 서울 서초동 http//afcseoul.kr... Therefore, always acknowledge and profess in agreement with Him that indeed, you’re the blessed of the Lord, walking in...
- kindbanker님 블로그 보기