○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 566 건
- Art asia pacific 에 실린 이우환 기사
- empty and are treated as integral parts of the composition that balance the painted subject. In the same way that the invisible interrelationships between objects were crucial to...
- 시간의 여울님 블로그 보기
- Introduction reading - D'Souza
- Real Spaces: WorldArt History and the Rise ofWestern Modernism, or Whitney Davis’s recent... 10 Some, like Serge Gruzinski, have insisted on a distinction between the French terms...
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- 한은경展
- ● 지난 해 개인전을 준비하면서 자신의 작품을 'landscape' 대신 'timescape'라는 신조어를 사용한... contemplative and resolute landscape, although, at the first glance, they seem closer to conceptual art rather than to abstract art. Since...
- jojako님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- Beyond the Infinity by Serge Salat
- and mutation is one of the strong themes of the work: in this perspective the objects are... It mixes past and future and it creates a dialogue between real and virtual worlds. This is...
- 2025 수능특강영어 20강-31강 한줄해석
- a dialogue writer. Marcel Pagnol은 오랫동안 영화에 관심이 있었지만, 대화체 작품... right and wrong, even though there is a considerable overlap between views on this. 어떤 행동이 옳고...
- The•K 더케이 영어학원님 블로그 보기
- 플럭서스
- long and consist of descriptions of actions to be performed rather than dialogue. Fluxus... in "real-time" and physical spaces. Fluxus artists Many artists, writers, and composers have...
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- Prospectus draft (11/26)
- in spaces fundamentally structured and conditioned by people, objects, and ideas’... about and of, resituates the space and the body in it by blurring the boundary between migrants...
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- Note Taking - Benjamin H.D. Buchloh
- "Any interest that I had in artifice and constructed dialogue was part of a search for a... subjects and spaces and their conditions of experience as well as the linguistic and...
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- Week third reading - Stefan Helmreich
- boundary between what is desirable sound and what is noise; this boundary-building "contours how people perceive their relation to spaces, places, and their own embodiment" (626) ...
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- a theory of the long take moving camera, Part 2
- profusion and talkative dialogue. The ambiguous narrator is the “marionnettiste” who... apportioned between people and objects in a ‘pictorial space’, but also expressed genuine...
- CrITErION 家님 블로그 보기
- Prospectus draft (11/24)
- in spaces fundamentally structured and conditioned by people, objects, and ideas’... about and of, resituates the space and the body in it by blurring the boundary between migrants...
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- 2023년 11월 미술 전시 라인업 ( v 231111)
- 살바도르 개인전 > @페레스 프로젝트, 안국 09/07 - 11/12 <Kiyan Williams - Between Starshine and Clay> @페레스 프로젝트, 안국 09/07 - 11/12 <이시 우드 - I LIKE TO WATCH> @일민미술관 10/13 - 11/12 <가믈란...
- 순간기록_*님 블로그 보기
- 이주연展
- 프롤로그 ● 작가 이주연의 신작 개인전은 이전 전시의 맥을 이으면서 도시와 인근의 자연이 어우러진 풍경을 선보인다. 전시 주제는 '외딴 점이 사는 외딴 섬'이다. 우리는 여기서 '외딴 점'은 작가 자신을...
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- * 브라질 아파트 [ Triptyque ] Hussein Jarouche’s...
- internal spaces. The apartment structure was opened to its maximum in order to clear the plan, where a dialogue between the bookcase, the kitchen and the galleries is set. Rough concrete...
- 5osA_오사님 블로그 보기
- Literature Review Reading - Young 2
- Those who lived these two moments and trafficked between these spaces likely never imagined... Self-contained, serial objects are abandoned for installations that use manufactured...
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