○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 582 건
- 메트로폴리탄 미술관(박물관)02편] 641실 유럽회화...
- with three wax seals, symbolizing the Holy Trinity. The document substantiates the truth of Gabriel’s... image, and unlike some of the donor portraits on display, this sitter gazes downward, creating a more...
- 에듀꼬모의 여행님 블로그 보기
- 닥터 후 (1963) 시즌13 시리얼 5 The Brain of Morbius...
- she gazes into the large stone on her ring.) SISTERS: Flame. Sacred fire. Sacred Flame. Sacred fire. (Maren's ring becomes a scrying device, and the Tardis appears.) SISTERS: Sacred....
- GUNECXE' WORLD님 블로그 보기
- 마치얼리언-4(Machialien-4)-05@
- 주차요금은 분당 계산하거든요." "예. 좋아요. 가요." 오랫만에 반가운 이름을 들으며 대화를 한 지영은 이제 기분이 좋아졌다. 블루웜까지 찾았고 공항에서 헤매임없이 바로 숙소로 편히 갈 수가 있으니...
- 운명(運命)의 흔적(痕跡)님 블로그 보기
- They get up and walk together. SNOOZE: Yeah, I got rejected last week. SKEET: It happens. Ernie approaches Red. ERNIE: Hey, Red. Bump me a deck. RED: Get the fuck out of my face, will...
- 임프제 머릿속님 블로그 보기
- Literature Review Reading for "Displacement" Chapter...
- Steel and Coal Company, others were carried in miners' wallets or framed on the mantlepieces of working-class homes. Imagine two different gazes. Imagine the gaze of a stockholder ...
- 100년의 미술사 서재님 블로그 보기
- 닥터 후 (1963) 시즌 26 시리얼 1 Battlefield : 영문 대본
- There is a cylindrical console and a crystal ball, which lights up with the face of Jean... DOCTOR: I'd just like to say three things. BAMBERA: What? DOCTOR: Yeti, Autons, Daleks....
- GUNECXE' WORLD님 블로그 보기
- 한충석展
- I make paintings of my face. I paint out my facial expressions, and some of these faces have the... However, viewers also notice that, on the right side of the painting, there are three people who are looking towards...
- jojako님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- Happy Easter All Ye Faithful
- In this picture, Jesus looks kind and gentle, he gazes down at me lovingly. He is also... clothing and bright, white clothing, is described in Mark chapter 9, when three apostles...
- KTemoc Konsiders ........님 블로그 보기
- [NYTimes] Robert Mugabe Was Zimbabwe’s Hero and Its...
- into three eras: the revolutionary leader of the liberation struggle against white minority... land and revealed his dictatorial face, the generals treated him with almost reverential...
- LIGHTHOUSE님 블로그 보기
- 닥터 후 (1963) 시즌13 시리얼 6 The Seeds of Doom : 영문...
- glacier face.) MOBERLEY: Come on, Charles. We've got enough samples, surely. WINLETT: This... WINLETT: Coffee and a game of three-handed crib. Good idea. Come on. STEVENSON: I'll...
- GUNECXE' WORLD님 블로그 보기
- Caray, Caray!: PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Diseñando...
- I was so Happy to see that sweet little face When gediz opened that door. I was Thinking it... they will leave by helicopter in three hours. As he hangs up, Fausto sees Jass and says oh...
- Caray, Caray!님 블로그 보기
- Chapter Twenty
- of three "Prompt" exercises which I used to kick off the June Camp NaNoWriMo celebration... They were each struck in the face by these beams and screaming, they fell to their knees. To...
- New Day Rising님 블로그 보기
- 다운튼애비 에피소드1(1) 파트2(대본)
- ACT THREE [00:19:01, INT. KITCHENS - DAY] MRS PATMORE Thomas, take that up. [Daisy moves to... [Daisy gazes after Thomas with a smitten smile as he takes up the next dish.] MRS PATMORE...
- 역사 & 법 이야기님 블로그 보기
- JULIA BRIDE/Henry James
- gesture and with his look of glad devotion, the radiance of his young face, reaching her... After what had recently happened—the two or three indirect but so worrying questions Mr....
- freelancer life님 블로그 보기
- (서평)Alias Olympia: ...
- When in 1975 she published an article on the bold gazes of women depicted in paintings by... Manet knew what he was doing, and he loved my face." Lipton breaks this pattern when she...
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