○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 455 건
- 성태훈展 '선유도 왈츠 Seonyudo Waltz'
- ● 때문에 이 평화로운 파노라마에서 우리는 또한 작가의 현실비판적인 시선과 함께, "인생은 클로즈업해서 보면 비극이고, 롱샷으로 보면 희극(Life is tragedy when seen in close-up but a commedy in...
- 인사동 이야기님 블로그 보기
- 이목을展
- dead in the winter. ● How futile the life, nature and art would be if they were insignificantly welcomed and deserted! ● Likewise, if the drawing receiving Lee, Mok-eul should have the same apple at all times, his...
- jojako님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 김은정_박광수_이우성_장재민_지근욱_허수영展 '살갗들'
- 허수영_우주 02 Space 02_캔버스에 유채_90.9×72.7cm_2022 Thinking of the things that cannot be... The rippling nature of fabric induces the audience to become conscious of the artwork's surrounding. Such as...
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- 정승호展 '풍경으로부터'
- over all others. Both primitive and modern humans are rooted in nature, growing and existing. Nature is... ● Monk Beop-jung noted that all living things should be happy. All beings exist to be happy. Regardless of...
- 인사동 이야기님 블로그 보기
- 2018.3.8 DYB 최선어학원 Song's Class 교육 (송오현...
- 2018.3.8 (thu.) PM11:00 Song's Class 교육 -송파, 분당캠퍼스- The supreme goodness is like water. It benefits all things without contention. In dwelling, it stays grounded. In being...
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- [분당영어학원]A- Class Wordly wise book5 Lesson 5...
- 분당영어학원 avalanche n. 1. A great mass of ice, earth, or snow mixed with rocks sliding down a... In all, more than 250 people have died trying to reach the top. 총 250명 이상의 사람들이...
- 수리딩어학원(수리딩클럽)님 블로그 보기
- 전시 :: 간만에 베스트 전시회 ♥ 블라디미르 쿠쉬전 _예술의...
- On its way it destroys many things we would refer to save stability of life, confidence in the future, variety of cultures. Thus each of us should remember that all his actions, even small, can...
- 난아의세계님 블로그 보기
- 김기태展 '기묘한 그러나 아름다운' :: 인사동 사람들
- In this way, time has slowly changed all of these scenes. It has been a long time since we have had such a... found in the middle of nowhere that seems untraveled. This road tells a story about someone, by things like a little...
- 인사동 사람들 :: 인사동 사람들님 블로그 보기
- Chromatophobia_The Fear of Money - 탈루 엘엔展...
- of things and the nature of materials while also displaying a strong affinity towards the conundrums of hermeneutics and an enthusiasm for the linguistic and symbolic ambiguities inherent in all types of...
- 詩가 영혼에 떨어지다님 블로그 보기
- 안경희展
- An Kyunghee describes objects in a vague and blurry manner rather than using the nature of photography that represents, confirms, and clarify things. Her work is unclear representation...
- 후아 전중관의 그림과 글 세상님 블로그 보기
- 박정경 개인展 '밤의 숨 The Breath of Night', 이공갤러리
- 전시명 : 박정경 개인展 '밤의 숨 The Breath of Night' 장르 : 대전 전시회 기간 : 2016년 12월 29~2017년 1월 4일 장소 : 이공갤러리 관람시간 : 11:00~19:00 관람료 : 무료 문의처 : 042-242-2020 박정경-발견 tonight. 종이위에 유채....
- 대전공연전시 :: 대전공연전시님 블로그 보기
- 아름지기 기획전시 <끽다락: 차와 하나되는 즐거움>展
- Although they were nearly all engaged in industrial design, they were in different specialized fields. A total... used things Korean and those who haven’t. Participating designers needed to be familiar with not only things...
- Arumjigi Culture Keepers Foundation님 블로그 보기
- 2013 아름지기 기획전시<포袍, 선비정신을 입다>展
- with nature. In arranging this exhibition with experts in the field, Arumjigi intends to breathe new life into the... both things Korean and things global. Arumjigi looks forward to this exhibition. It will serve as a forum...
- Arumjigi Culture Keepers Foundation님 블로그 보기
- 낸시랭展 '버블코코 파고다'
- 버블코코 파고다 Bubble Coco PAGODA 낸시랭展 / Nancy Lang / painting.sculpture 2022_0822 ▶ 2022_0921 / 일요일 휴관 낸시랭_Bubble Coco Honey jar (Kkuldanji)_레진_64.4×59×59cm_2022 초대일시 / 2022_0822_월요일_05:00pm 관람시간 / 10:30am~06...
- 인사동 이야기님 블로그 보기
- 스테판 길展
- (「Archeology in reverse」, 2006-2007). 한편 사진을 땅 속에 묻었다가 꺼내어 흙이 그대로 묻어... ■ 신혜영 New Direction in Realist Photography: Excavations of an Artistic Archaeologist ● "I've never seen angels....
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