○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 12,832 건
- [art]Jeff Nishinaka - The Paper Genius
- of light and shadow a large part of the appeal of his work. One might assume that there is... a life-size garden for a hotel. He has a prolific career working in advertising, fashion...
- .님 블로그 보기
- Step 2: Light your candles while focusing on what you would like to address ㅡ this means visualizing it with great detail. Feel all the feels, and imagine your optimal outcome. With your Tarot deck in hand...
- 지금, 여기님 블로그 보기
- 최광호 사진전 : 빛과 중력
- In other words, it should be seen as the result of the direct contact between existence and light, not the shadow of existence. Nonetheless, the fact that Kwangho CHOI calls it a photogram clearly reveals his extended...
- 사진바다님 블로그 보기
- 11월30일 토요일
- awesome and mysterious. No one can stand before him. If we look at the sun directly we will be blinded, because the light is too strong for our eyes. The Holy, Almighty God lives in...
- 예림(예수님의그림자)블로그님 블로그 보기
- [한남 갤러리] 루민 와코아 The Unnaming @ VSF
- 아시아 개인전인 Unnaming을 서울 갤러리에서 개최한다. 이번 전시는 VSF 로스앤젤레스... in Light and Shadow, 2024, Oil on linen, 40 x 48 in Wild Life , 2024, Oil on linen, 14 x 11 in 루민 와코아 (1981년생...
- Do what you love님 블로그 보기
- 루민 와코아 : The Unnaming @ VSF (6.8~7.6)
- 1 cm Wild Life, 2024 Oil on linen 14 x 11 in 35.6 x 27.9 cm Sun Storm, 2024 Oil on linen 14 x 11in 35.6 x 27.9 cm Light and Shadow, 2024 Oil on linen 40 x 48 in 101.6 x 121.9 cm Belief, 2024 Oil on linen 36 x 29 in 91.4 x 73.7 cm Tend...
- Highway to Hell님 블로그 보기
- 김종규 「光/影-Light&Shadow 」 @ 인사동 갤러리밈 G3,4...
- 졸업 개인전 2020 光/影-Light&Shadow, 갤러리 밈, 서울 2018 사색의 시간... between life and death. -1. 1. 2016 Backlighting is impossible without light. The negative space in my painting...
- 갤러리밈 GalleryMEME님 블로그 보기
- 우원호 대표의 시와 칼럼 【3】 2024 제33회 파리올림픽에서...
- Landscape in still life And The liveliness and vivacity of its modernity Loose brush touches and... 그런데 여자양궁 단체전에 이어 남녀 개인전과 단체전 등에서에서 이미 금메달...
- 웹진 시인광장(SINCE 2006)님 블로그 보기
- 1_the truth is unpleasant (English ver)
- I am merely one of those shadows, and since the prototype remains singular, to discuss me is a trivial effort, akin to describing the shape of a shadow. Shadows are ever-present but...
- 은하수를 여행하는 히치하이커님 블로그 보기
- 2024년 11월 서울 미술전시회 _ 전통적인 예술의 경계를...
- truth in both art and life. This work will undoubtedly continue to lead a new paradigm in contemporary... 제적 개인전 2024.11 초대전 _ 두루아트스페이스, 서울 2024.03 초대전 _ Love2Arts...
- 닿을 수 없는 본질을 향한 항해님 블로그 보기
- Photography spots in the city
- Another one of my goto photography spots in the city is the bustling downtown area. The... urban life. I enjoy playing with light and shadow to create dynamic images that convey the...
- 얼리맨님의 블로그님 블로그 보기
- 권대훈, Kwon Dae Hun
- heart and soul that it plays a pivotal role in forming an aesthetic that sustains one’s life. Kwon Dae... present, light and shadow, reality and the virtual, and sculpture and painting. Memory becomes...
- 갤러리밈 GalleryMEME님 블로그 보기
- [MSR] HyperFlow™ Microfilter (Fast & Light® Water...
- [MSR] HyperFlow™ Microfilter (Fast & Light® Water Treatment & Hydration) High Flow Rate: Pumps more than 3 liters per minute or one liter every 20 strokes. 분당 3리터 이상 가능 또는 20회 반복시 1리터 물...
- 아웃도어 장비점님 블로그 보기
- Words of God : Psalms 139:10 시편 139:10 곧 거기서도 주의...
- - 현대인 * Heavenly Father, You are the One who knows me better than I know myself. Your presence is my constant companion, whether I walk in joy or shadow. When I rise in the morning, Your light greets me with...
- cactusjuice님의 영어 + 동화 + 책이 함께하는 이야기님 블로그 보기
- Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time (롤링...
- Songs in the Key of Life 1976 5 The Beatles Abbey Road 1969 6 Nirvana Nevermind 1991 7... Remain in Light 1980 40 David Bowie The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars 1972...
- TASTORY : 타스토리!님 블로그 보기