○ 기사관련 블로그 검색 12,838 건
- 아르떼케이, 새해 맞아 곽상원·서원미·케이고 나카무라 작품 소개
- 사진=아르떼케이 한편 18일부터 2층 전시장에서는 케이고 나카무라의 개인전 ‘원 라이프 인 라이트 앤 쉐도우(One Life in light and shadow)’가 진행된다. 작가의 첫 한국 개인전이기도 하다. 빛과 그림자를...
- 문화경제님 블로그 보기
- Photo / 'Light and shadow' Light and dark shadow formed...
- 19 사진촬영 / 손주환> Light and dark shadow formed from another geometry Light and shadow Photos... Insipid in life are also visible is also one of the creatures, so this also to love and be happy. Today's...
- 삶&일기&그림&사진/손주환님 블로그 보기
- Invisible Light - 영원이 되는 순간 장동현 개인전...
- aligning shadow lines with hot soldering feels like a different world from selecting colored glass and illuminating it with light. However, these two works mysteriously have opposing charms in which one is...
- gallery artbn님 블로그 보기
- 김철애 개인전 : 빛 그리고 선 (Light & Line) 스페이스 중학
- displayed in such a magical way regardless of its shape. 그 빛이 만들어내는 선. 그림자. 역시 그렇게 나타난다. Same applies for an edge and a shadow revealed by the light. 시공간이 정지된 사진을...
- 사진바다님 블로그 보기
- ■6월 《그려보면 이해할 수 있다》미술사×실기 원데이...
- Giorgio Morandi (1890-1964) was an Italian painter born in Bologna, primarily known for his still life paintings.... He also explored form and space with subtle shifts in light and shadow, meticulously. Through his paintings...
- 더 나은 삶을 위한 미술 보기님 블로그 보기
- Stories Etched in the Grain of Time
- the light. And one autumn day in 1963, the crown prince returned to his homeland, only to find it shaped by a time no longer his own. The gunshot that ended Kennedy’s life echoed...
- 역사속 오늘님 블로그 보기
- Hasselblad Announced A New XCD 75mm F/3.4 P Lens And X...
- still life with effortless precision. Mastering Light and Shadow for Exceptional Portraits The XCD 3,4/75P boasts an optical structure of ten elements in ten groups, including one...
- 촬영감독 나종광님 블로그 보기
- 추천 전시]황선태 개인전: "'빛,있음' 'The light Being'" 展
- 황선태 개인전: "'빛,있음' 'The light Being'"전시를 개최한다. 사진: [2mb]1. 빛이 드는... Note] ●Line and Light Objects commonly encountered in daily life, and the fleeting consciousness that arises from...
- 미술여행 신문님 블로그 보기
- 38. Dream Theater - IMAGE AND WORDS (1992)
- Surrounded in all the light 모든 빛들에 감싸인 채로 Surrounded - 나무위키 Metropolis Pt. 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper https://youtu.be/IqqRx77T4Vo?si=Pb5UU1neaPEZIp5G The smile of dawn arrived early May...
- two is enough님 블로그 보기
- [feel]Shadow Life by Vangelis Paterakis
- of light and a surface. True, but that is our everyday understanding of the term. Shadows... Shadow Life will be held between the 2nd and the 9th of May 2010 at The Met Hotel in...
- .님 블로그 보기
- [ADA] Nov 24, 일본 여행 3일차..② (IAPLC FES 2024...
- of life in these plants. By resisting excessive intervention and letting the plants grow freely, the... [ Light Beneath the Water ] Created by Naru Uchida Tank Size: W1,200×D500×H500(mm) This...
- 페르의 작은 물속세상님 블로그 보기
- Spectrum of Emotion: Joy, Longing, and the Colors of Life
- on life’s palette — there is no brightness without shadow; no depth without surface; no relief without flatness. Whether you find yourself basking in joyful light or discovered...
- 평범하지만 당연하지 않은님 블로그 보기
- illustration of life :: URP Realtime Shadow color control
- lighting and shadowing from the main sun light. // Summary: // 1) Calculate possible value in the shadow by subtracting estimated light contribution from the places occluded by realtime shadow...
- illustration of life :: illustration of life님 블로그 보기
- "빛의 도시, 인천" 기획 의도 : 김재열 남동문화재단 대표이사...
- Lighthouse in the distance. The lights turn on one by one at the port, and the night view of Incheon 100 years ago unfolds. #4. 빛으로 연결되는 현재의 개항장 #4. Current open port connected by light...
- 김시흔artsy-fartsy님 블로그 보기
- 24년 1월 3주차 신작게임들
- of Light and Shadow (steampowered.com) Dungeon Legends 2 : Tale of Light and Shadow on Steam... But with each uncovered memory, only one thing becomes clear: everyone in Seowon's vicinity was store....
- Mundus님 블로그 보기